didn't see this coming...

July 20 2005
from the very beginning of this whole xanga/phusebox craze i have been the person that thought it was utterly rediculous to write these overly melodramatic entries. i always viewed it as a sad attempt to get attention from people who aren't close enough to you for you to pick up the phone and actually tell that person what is wrong, and against my better judgement i will do exactly what i have disliked and even slandered in the past mainly because there isn't any one particular person that i could tell this to and because anyone who knows me needs to know what i am about to say, and that could take a whole lot of phone calls...

in short: i am a complete fake

i feel that i have decieved every single person i know into believing that i am something that i am not. and the even sadder thing about this situation is that because i have been doing that for so long that i no longer know who I am. i would lie to people just to see if they would believe me, not just with my words, but with my actions. and for the most part i have been very successful at this. i am good at what i have been doing because i do not know nor have i ever known how to be real. i have acted as so many different people that i do not know who i act like to different people. some people have probably noticed this about me, maybe i am wrong, maybe everybody has noticed this about me and that is why i feel so empty and alone and completely void of emotion or feeling. and because of my manipulation and stubborn ways, the one bright shining star in my life begins to doubt and question me, and rightly so. i can be the stand out leader in my youth group, i can be the funny guy who makes people laugh, i can be the jerk who makes people laugh at another's expense, i can be emotional, i can be cocky, i can be humble, i can be sympathetic and helpful; it all depends on the situation at hand and how i think it would best suit me to act. i cannot imagine the number of people i have decieved just because i thought they would like me more if i acted a certain way, and then as soon as another person or group comes around, i am a completely different person.
never have i understood the songs or phrases that speak of people hungering or thirsting for God, and it at this point that i realize the hunger and thirst for something different. i want aceptance and love and support and friendship and warmth and satisfaction and peace. and it is at this point that i realize how much of an utter waste i have been for the past eighteen plus years of my life.
i have done nothing but bring people down and hurt others.

i don't know what it is that i want, i just don't want to feel this guilty for anything ever again.
sorry to all...

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 20 2005
Well I'll be a buggerlover, that was random. If you need to vent any more, feel free to message me. You're certainly in my prayers, and I hope things turn up. We all have that in us, admitting it is the first step to fixing. Later man.

Nathan Moore

July 20 2005

Garrett Haynes

July 20 2005
well i think you're a pretty cool guy. we all have our moments. but God picks us back up and we try again.


July 20 2005
:o) you're in my prayers!...but i will let you know...it takes a man that truly is finally @ the point of thirsting & hungering for the One & Only true God to admit what you just did...i'm proud of you! & I can't wait to see the things that God does in you and through you! I love you!


July 20 2005
On and off, since New York you have been in my thoughts and prayers. It takes a lot to admit such a thing as you have. It really does. I told you before NY that I didn't really like you too much before, but at NY I saw the potential in you. Whether you were faking it or being genuine, I guess I can't really know, but I still believe with all my heart that you have potential and that God wants to use you. I think a lot of people will be praying for you. CRY OUT TO GOD and let Him heal your heart. Last time I checked, you work with two great Christian guys... I'm sure they would be glad to talk to you about whatever you are going through. Once again, I will be praying for you.

Jamie Smith

July 20 2005
I love you Robert! You have always been in my thoughts and prayers! You know where I live if u ever need me drop by!!

kyle cantrell

July 20 2005
I know we haven't talked alot lately man, but if you ever need anything just give me a call. My mom can bake some cookies or something, heh.

elizabeth duncan

July 21 2005
we are all big fakes. we all think (to quote that dead shakespeare guy) "the world is a stage" and that we are constantly on that stage. everybody is watching us, we are in the spotlight, and every word and thought and action must be calculated (scripted). it's called "imaginary audience" if you want to get all psychological. however, that's the cool thing about growing up - figuring yourself out, determining if you like colgate or crest or even (GASP) close-up toothpaste, for example. when i was your age, i had no clue whatsoever what i liked and didn't like - someone else had made all the easy AND hard decisions for me my entire life. trust me, no one has it figured out - and if they say they do, they're lying. the point to life is that we are children of God, that our confidence MUST come from His throne. When it doesn't - when it comes from material things or other people or false definitions of success we will ultimately feel like one giant failure. your identity is from God. apart from Him, you and me and everyone else are nothing.


July 22 2005
we go through valleys and sometimes we are up on mountains but that is how we grow into the men GOd wants us if you think for one moment that you have spoiled 18 years of your life you are wrong dude your so cool but not only that i can see God in you I do see why you have to try to impress people because your just a cool person I will be praying for you have a blessed day

Rebekah Minor

July 24 2005
after i read that the second time i completely understand...


July 24 2005
its okay i love you roberto.

Virginia Moss

July 24 2005
wow. robert has a phusebox. and I wish I knew how to help you... but I don't think anything I could say would make you feel even REMOTELY better. sorry.


July 24 2005
hey robert...:-)


July 24 2005
robert, thank you so much for the comment you left me! It encouraged me so much! You don't even know how much!! Thank you! And to what you wrote, I pray you won't feel guilty anymore! Because God didn't call us to live a life of guilt...but a life of victory!! And that's what we have in Him! It's neat to see how God is changing you and your heart! Let it happen!! It'll rock later on! It might be hard now, it always is...but keep asking for God to change you! To show you things...and God will change you into exactly what you desire to be...a man of God!! And it's already beginning!! He's pointing out things in the past...but He's gotta do that in order to heal you! I'm dealing with that myself! Letting God heal me and give me a new heart!! But I encourage you to not get down on yourself! So many people, including myself, try to be who they aren't! And I think many people have forgoten who they really are...because we live in a world that tells us who we should and shouldn't be!! But God wants to change you! And when you allow Him to, and it won't be an overnight thing by any means, He'll open up your eyes to who you REALLY are!! And it'll blow your mind!! Robert, I know you probably won't believe me but I've seen the real you...and it's AWESOME!! You're such a leader and I know that God is getting you ready to do awesome things for Him..be ready and willing!! You have an amazing heart..don't be afraid to show it! God is so proud of you Robert and He loves you so much! And no matter what you've done or if you feel like you don't deserve God's love...that's His mercy!! And He has an EVERLASTING love for you! Let Him give you a new heart, and follow Him with all you are! It'll be the best adventure of your life! You're in my prayers!! Take care, stay strong!!


July 25 2005
dude thanks. i was so confused. thats hilarious that you could tell what car it was but thanks. talk to you later! _kt