A Pi-Day to Remember

March 14 2006
So... I got stuck in an elevator tonight... And not just with 1 or 2 people... you know when you try to cram everyone possible onto an elevator?... yeah... there were 10 other people and me... seriously... we could not fit another person in that elevator.

We were in there for about 30 minutes and eventually had the NYPD break us out... we had to crawl out to the 3rd floor.

Great first day of the new Gallery Church office and pi day. I don't think I will be taking that elevator any time soon.

So now, for your enjoyment, the photo recap... because it was just too funny to pass up...

So, I am alive. Praise God. It got hot in there!



March 14 2006
sounds like an exciting day.... o.O

Kyle Jackson

March 14 2006
Can I just say.. "Guys, These are the times of our lives."


March 14 2006
hahaha.... wow thats never happened to me before, I have always seen it happen in movies, but unfortunately it has never happened to me. haha but yeh sounds fun ! haha talk to ya later nathan - sarah-


March 14 2006
Lol. Everyone has a starbucks coffee cup in their hand. And this is why elevators scare me!

Bethany Bratcher

March 14 2006
that's awesome!

Rachael Moore

March 15 2006
you had on your lucky shirt... what are you going to do in a few days on St. Patrick's Day??? now THAT is the problem!!!

Hawaii Boys

March 15 2006
dude thats so cool....well kinda, lol -hodge


March 15 2006
glad your ok. i've always wanted to get stuck in an elevator.

Rachel Chase

March 15 2006
wow lol thatz one of those things that suck when itz happening but is a great story later lol

elizabeth duncan

March 15 2006

Anna Miller

March 15 2006
i got stuck on an elevator once, lol.


March 15 2006
lol. bet that was fun! =]


March 15 2006
wow pi day was awesome for me and for you it was fun if you liked being in an elevator, which i seriously doubt you liked it in there lol

Jessica Wolfe

March 16 2006
Dude, that's gotta really suck being stuck in an elevator that long with all those people in there. Looked pretty crowded in there. As long as you guys evetnually got out.