Do you think?

January 20 2006
Do you think that ever gets stopped in a grocery store for a pricecheck?


January 20 2006
Ha ha...

Laura Polis

January 20 2006
ha! i'd hope not


January 20 2006
haha! of course he does!!

Kyle Jackson

January 20 2006
One of the enduring questions of mankind of which we may never know the answer.

Daniel Arnett

January 20 2006
Of course, he is always asking everyone what the price of things are


January 20 2006
haha! that'd be horrible!


January 20 2006
i would if i saw him...


January 20 2006
lol.. haha.. funnies


January 20 2006
ha ah! you make me laugh

Sarah Vermillion

January 20 2006
Woah. That got a whole ten-second chuckle. Good stuff. ^_^

Carla Simpson

January 20 2006
nathan, that's amazing! whatever made you think of that!?

Megan Polis

January 20 2006
Does he do his own grocercy shopping??? I mean he has enough on the set


January 20 2006
he tells them what the price is, and then they say "the price is WRONG, Bob!" ("Happy Gilmore" = BEST Adam Sandler movie)


January 21 2006


January 21 2006
He doesn't do his own grocery shopping!! ITS BOB BARKER!

Drew Mitchell

January 21 2006
I think I saw him today at work at the big Krogers on south church street. I just kinda ignored the big man. He guessed his total before I started to ring him up and he was only .17 off. What a dissapointment. Ok im just kidding. ~ Drew