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December 16 2005

my day blew. first, supposed to hang out w/ betty, sorry elizabeth, but that didn't happen. now i found out gome f_ _ ing great news. don't ask, don't feel like talking 'bout it. i may later when i cool down. screw it, that's all i have to say. teaches me for getting my hopes up. not gonna happen again. i'm gonna go punch my punching bag outside now, and yes, i do realize it's like 34 degress outside, i REALLY don't care. to add to this horrible day, may have not passed my math midterm.

no solo eso, creo que estoy empezando a sentir differentemente por ella. no se, pero creo que esto empeso quando yo pase el dia en esa clase. y me pregunto si ella siente lo mismo.

if anyone understood that, yeah ,that's part of it

Kristin Furgerson

December 16 2005
no they are two facing me b/c I call them all the time.... and they never call me.... I always have to make the effort to call them.... AND I AM THE ONE WHO MOVED!! it isn't my job all the effin time! gosh they make me so bad!! and Thank you so much!! I am glad to know you that care about me.... that means alot to me!! I miss you too!! and yes the years at Central were the dark ages!! but I miss them terribly!!! love you talk to you later!! have you got your new cell yet? If so I need the number and I will give you mine! you can call me anytime!! 1-214-385-8648 Love you! ~*Kris*~