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this computer's homosexual!!!

November 27 2005

hey, i just got my photos of stacie, but this computer's homosexual, and it won't load the f_ _ _ing pictures!!! oh, well, forrest, i guess u'll have to wait. lol our last day away from school ppl, so tomorow, were back 2 prison. (those from siegel should get that, but kris, don't expect u to) lol. ttyl to all

katie boles

November 27 2005
hahaha ummm........NO!! lol have a great week!!

Kristin Furgerson

November 27 2005
hahaha I got it... lol we always said it looked like a Prison! lol! but ya...I was saying anyones home state is the best... lol.. it is where you were born or grew up.... lol....hope you have fun going back to Prison...alright I will bring you something from Texas... what do you want? b/c it is the same everywhere... just the buliding and stuff are better.. and the athletics lol...and I checked out your xanga that is really funny... now Check out mine... it is Im_Just_Kris07! talk to you later!! much love! ~*Kris*~

Kristin Furgerson

November 27 2005
OMG so I just looked you up in my yearbook... I REMEMBER YOU!... I use to sit by you all the time!! wow you need to get some more pics so I can see what you look like now! man!! I haven't seen you in forever!!! your right we use to ride the bus together....I think once you told me you liked me... I don't really remember!! love ya! ~*Kris*~

Kristin Furgerson

November 28 2005
dude Oakland made that Prison joke up... and b/c it looks like a prison.... OH Kristopher is my nickname... my friends in Texas made it up... but ya... I will surprise you with you the whole gift thing..... and you surprise me too... well goin to go finish the football game..! talk toyou later! ~*Kris*~

Kristin Furgerson

November 30 2005
the weather in Texas great.... it was kinda warm today... but it has been like 50 something all week... so is everything there in Tennessee I can't wait to come home!! love you!! ~*Kris*~

Kristin Furgerson

December 01 2005
ya it was freezing of that is cool... about your car... I drive a truck....a chevy sliverado... it is cool... just needs to redone... it is kinda falling apart.... so ya... well when you get pics up let me know... talk to you later! ~*Kris*~