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too many to name....

the stupidest things happen to me!!!!

November 19 2005
all right, ix-nay on my plans. not going to happen. oh, well. the other day i was calling one of my buddies, and he picks up the phone. i talk to him, but he's acting like he has no idea what i'm talking about. two pieces of advice: 1. be sure u kno who ur talking to, and the person on the other line isn't, i don't kno, their dad. 2. do not use fake locations, like bubba's strip club, to get the other person to make them stop acting like they aren't who u think they are. i learned the hard way. long story short, i'll make sure i kno who i'm talking to b-4 i say something like that.

Kristin Furgerson

November 23 2005
yes I went to Central in 7 and 8th grade and then I went to Oakland high for 2 years and now I live in Texas! who are you?

Kristin Furgerson

November 24 2005
I think I might remember you I don't really know... I rode 102.... are you a junior or a senior? I moved to Texas at the very end of May... and yes I love Texas more than Tennessee... but I don't love Texas b/c it doesn't have my best friends in it... so ya! well thank you for saying hey!! I hope you have a happy thanksgiving!!

Kristin Furgerson

November 25 2005
thanks! I had a great thanksgiving... ya I look alot older than when i was at Central.. .you know being a Junior has changed that lol... so ya.... what mini school were you in the 8th grade! lol...OMG YOU GO TO SIEGEL... OMG the enemy lol.. just kidding I actually don't have problem with Siegel just the Siegel band....are you in band.... well I heard the whole drumline quit so ya... but ya ... I still say Patriots all the way lol!! love ya ~*Kris*~

Kristin Furgerson

November 26 2005
yes i am coming back for christmas ..... no Oakland was cool...and i was in mini school 4..... and texas is amazing but nothing is like your hime state ~*Kris*~


November 26 2005
Pretty sure I never put the camera down...