to many of us

September 05 2005

brief observation...
there are WAY to many kelseys
and chris'
so i leave u with this
if we killed all the kelseys and chris'...
there would be no world

keep me alive

Rachel Sullivan

September 05 2005
ya didn't really touch on that part cause didn't exactly know how far you might have moved from ... but ya i stayed in the same county and moved school (long story) and left all of my friends that i have known for like forever and would call them wanting to do stuff but they kinda ignore you cause you don't go to school with them anymore and they are like forget you and acting like jerks and stabbing you in the back to make themselves feel better..ya that sucks to..but you kinda have to be like ok i don't really want to stoop to your level..but 2 can play that game..forget you too..its hard escpecially if you are the good guy but its life and people will be jerks and thats just kinda the way it is~~good luck!!


September 05 2005
yeah ummm..very true...there are a lot of people named kelsey and chris...but out of all the chris' i know..youre one of my favorites!!...mhm very true there buddy...


September 05 2005
you're right! there are way too many but it's good that we have them all.

courtney kelley

September 05 2005
there's tons of Ashleys also..

cole brown

September 05 2005
just thought ide say heyy! have a good weekend

Elisabeth Barber

September 05 2005
are you not so happy?

Elisabeth Barber

September 05 2005
if you ever wanna chat just IM me! smile always!

Elisabeth Barber

September 05 2005
if you ever wanna chat just IM me! smile always!

Erin Caudillo

September 05 2005

Erin Caudillo

September 05 2005
oops. well gosh.. thanks for the encouraging words♥ haha. the car isnt bad at all.. just alittle scratched on the front bumper. i think the mailbox was crap.

kayla hale

September 05 2005
that is true there are also too many brittney's...threre are like 564651564 in our gemotry class < 33333333333333-kayla


September 05 2005
You were right!! Your site is cool!! Well how are you doing!?

Carly Gee

September 05 2005
i have good sources. &hearts;


September 05 2005
HAHAH ....

aryn greene

September 05 2005
whoa man! howd you get all this cool stuff?

Brett Tenpenny

September 05 2005
yeah man... i wish my girl trusted me more. that would make me alot happier.


September 05 2005
Hey I was just reading your last post and I can agree with like everything you said. I feel like I can never be good enough for my family. I have the same problems you do and I know alot others do too. My parents make me feel so stupid and useless sometimes...ok alot of the time...They make me feel like I can't do anything right. I won't come up to their "standards". It doesn't matter how hard I work its never enough. I've wanted to runaway too but I didn't pack a suitcase like you did. Its always running in my head. I would be soooo much better if I was out of this house. I would be alot happier!! I use to be sooo outgoing, loud, and I've become so quiet and defensive...People think I'm snobby because I'm quiet but I'm really nice...just quiet. I think the constant yelling in my house has made me that way. Scared to speak up. Scared to try things...thinking I would get hurt...I don't want to be scared anymore but I'm scared to let go. I haven't really met a person that had the same things going on in their life in awhile. Its always great to find someone to vent your pain. Oh and you are not even kidding about the Chris thing!! I know like a butt load of of boys named Chris. What with that name!? Why is it so great!? Well hope everything is getting better. I'm praying for you and your tests!! Hope everything gets better!!


September 05 2005
Oh and I love your song your writing

BriTtaNy GriMm3tT

September 05 2005
hey sweet

Virginia Moss

September 05 2005
hum. you're probly the cutest chris i know. If that makes you feel unique. &hearts


September 06 2005
Hey - this is meg, and I'm amanda's aunt, and I commented on your site re: the spelling of anberlin completely not realizing who you were... it was very random, but I'm sorry! :( I didn't realize who you were til amanda commented me and I had no clue how she had even found me until I traced it back to that comment. STRANGE... sorry for the awkwardness :(


September 06 2005
i saw your comment! im sorry you didnt have a good day. i hope it got better. you seem like a cool guy and i hope you feel better. leave me one! _kt

Stacy Freeman

September 06 2005
do i know you...cause from your pictures it seems like i do?well just wonderin. stacy