Short and sweet

June 01 2006

So... a very eventful weekend and not much time to write about it. Awesome holiday weekend. After a long week of trim and tile Havan, Linda, and I went waterskiing on saturday, Sunday a group of us went to see X-3, and then I was going to work on monday but Havan offered to go dirtbiking... yeah, no work on monday, dirtbiking was awesome. We went biking on one of Mr Tuckers and Mr. Montgomerys farm investments. The Montgomery's had a whole bunch of bikes and people to go, they loaned Havan and I each a bike to use... it was great. Met a fellow phuser while there
. Been working every day since... ready for this weekend of fun and rest. There are more details as to the weekend but my time is limited so that is all that you get here, for more in depth give me a call. Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer.


May 22 2006

Mother's Day

May 13 2006
For those of you celebrating this it with all your heart. You could never fathom how special she is till it is too late. Your friends can wait, there is no need to rush the day. This is the day set aside, one day in 365, spend it if you can with your mom and give to her all that you can. She deserves so much more. Don't wait, you never know if you will have another year, or even another day.

I wish that I could....

begining of the summer

May 06 2006
I was at sports com tonight giving swim tests for three hours. Three hours spent in barefeet on concrete was not my best idea ever. I also had to yell most of the time so that the kids could hear me while they were swimming so I wouldn't be surprised if I am hoarse tommorrow. It is always intereasting to try and guess which kids will pass and which won't before they get in the water, you would be surprised quite often of who actually passes and who doesn't.
I am frustrated that adults won't listen to me when I tell them how to do stuff correctly. I had two scoutmasters who did the rest of the test fine but couldn't float. When I would try to explain how to do it right they would just brush me off. I wouldn't let either of them pass because they couldn't finish. Mr. Tucker went and worked with one of them afterwards on it. He told him exactly what I had told him to do and he was able to finish then.
Havan was there with me giving tests, he is back in stuff. We went to Mellow Mushroom afterwards and are going to go play raquetball tommorrow. Havan is da
Other than that my life is filled with more and more work...should have more than enough of it this summer.

P.S. Siegel's West Side Story is good...go see it


May 04 2006

I am DONE.

100% and completly DONE

No more for the rest of the summer

oh what joy :mrgreen:


May 02 2006
   Yup prom was fun. Started the day out with a trip to franklin to watch Fine Arts. After that I brought Linda home and picked up the hummer. Had a couple of hours before I had to pick Linda up so I played Need for Speed Most Wanted for a while. I was early to pick Linda up so I stopped at Michael's and got some pics with her (those pics should be coming later). After picking Linda up we met my brother Jeff and his wife Anady at Linda's friend Amanda's house where we got our pics taken by Anady.
This one is my favorite

 From there Linda, Amanda, Brent, and I went and met some more of Linda's friends at the Aquarium in Opry Mills for dinner.

 After dinner was prom where there was a whole lot of dancing, not exactly my style but I had fun watching Linda and her friends and their crazy

After prom I took Linda home where we changed and then headed to Siegel High for after prom. They had a Vegas gambling theme. We hung out there till the prze auction thing which we stayed for half of before I took Linda home. Lots of fun.


April 30 2006
Prom last night...lots of fun. Linda was absolutely gorgeous. The Hummer was nice. We went to the Aquarium at Opry Mills for dinner. Then prom. Then after prom. Only got one hour of sleep before I had to go and play bass for church. Will post more details when I get my pictures and some sleep.


April 18 2006
I'm debating on bleaching my hair again...any opinions? Of course you have opinions but will you verbalize them to me please?

To bleach or not to bleach?


April 14 2006
    When you change a tire be sure to tighten it REALLY GOOD. Otherwise the holes in the rim will get bigger and bigger till the rim just comes off over top of the lugs. Not fun at all. Especially when you have a car on the trailer that the tire fell off of.
    I think that I missed the flag football sign ups. I thought that they would be after arena football, but the games apparently have already started. Bummer.
    Trilogy practice tonight and tomorrow night. Everyone should come see this last one. It is on sunday at 8:30am, 11am, and 6pm
    For those who were wondering this is Mr. Green Mr. Green

practice = stress

April 08 2006
I had practice for the easter trilogy part II last night and today. Seeing as how neither Pastor Tommy nor Mr. Cohl were there I had to try to run sound by myself. Very difficult for mic changes. Also have some very exact timing cues one right after the other that are difficult. But I should have help tommorrow and it should be great. Everyone should come. 8:30 am, 11am, and  6pm.

Hooper, Jeremy, and I LAN'd some tonight. UT2004 and F.E.A.R.= lots of fun.


April 07 2006
So...I did very well, I think, in tonights game. Yet most of my team did very bad. We lost. Worst than last time. I had one amazing interception, three pass blocks, and multipile catches. My battle scars include: a twisted ankle, from a trick play that I was attempting to do before the game (it would have been really cool), two bleeding knees from the stupid fake turf, and a twisted shoulder from a guy who slammed me into the wall and wrenched my arm around to take the ball out of my hands....what fun, though I will be paying dearly for it in the morning. One more game next week, then I am going to try flag football which should be more fun.

Went to Bonhoffers before the game. I left after about five minutes becasue there wasn't anyone to hang out with there and I didn't care for the band playing at the time.

Trilogy practices this week should be intereasting. I will be the only sound tech and I have three different wireless lapel changes that I have to make in the middle of the performance...I should be able to get it.

lookin forward to prom which is three weeks away. As well as the end of the semester.

past few days

April 04 2006
well I said that I would give more info about the wedding so...Jeff got
married on april fools day (why I don't know) but while they were doing
food and stuff I jacked the rear axle of their car up just enough so
that the rear wheels were just barely off the ground. Some other
unnamed individuals painted the windows with hearts and junk and tied
ribbons all over. Myself and some other individuals moved the luggage
to the truck (and had I found the truck keys I would have moved that as
well). I jacked the heat and the radio up in the car and thought about
disconecting the battery but I didn't. The expresions that we got were
great. It was fun. But for some reason we weren't able to find out what
hotel they were staying at. I have no idea why he wouldn't tell

Trilogy went great on sunday. Another one this week. You should come
and see it. 8:30, 11, and 6 on Sunday. message me or call me for

long day today (what else is new?) had my truck towed last night so I
had about five (rather heated on my part) conversations with the
apartment staff about it. To no avail.

Saturday morning Linda and I went and rented/reserved a tux. Black with
a silver vest and tie. She will be wearing her blue dress.

photo from Linda Lu

deffinitaly have a hott date
deffinitaly looking forward to prom
as well as the hummer that I hope to be driving to prom
(if all works out like it should)

other than, work, and not much else

What's the point?

April 03 2006
Why do I bother?


April 02 2006
Wedding pics of my sisters...more about saturday later


March 31 2006
So...Last night was fun, even thought we lost. After work and trilogy practice (come on sunday! if you need directions message me) I had some down time before my arena football game so I went to Bonhoffers to see some of the bands. I only got to see one before I went to my game. Just as we were allowed on the field to practice one of the refs told me that I couldn't wear anything with pockets on them (I prefer to play in pants becuase I slide a lot) so I had fiteen minutes to run back to my apartment and get my shorts, I made it back in thirteen. I had a soem good plays and some bad ones, but it wasn't meant to be. We get to try again next thursday at 11. After our defeat I went back to Bonhoffers to see another band, and I must admit that I thought that they were pretty good. Last night made me want to play for fun again. Play music that is my style. I miss it. I talked to Paul about playing and we might try to do so.

worked all day today after school. got another house closed, but I have a few more things to go back and do on it. These customers were great and easy to work with. The rain today messed a lot of my schedule up.

I can never do enough.

We Lost

March 31 2006


March 28 2006
I got to drive an '06 Lexus today! It was awesome...the smoothest ride that I have ever had...lots of fun.

Been extremly busy lately between working and school. Closing on a house tomorrow and another on friday. Been helping Jeff lay tile in his house, I have been teaching him how while laying it, this has resulted in three nights of working on his house till midnight after a long day of school and work, and still having to get up at six either for school, work, or church the next day. Yeah....long week. Have relatives coming in for the wedding, for those who don't know my older brother Jeff is getting married on saturday. Here is a if any of you are intereasted

Was supposed to start running with last friday but I had football practice thursday...and will have football games for the next three thursdays so I will have to put that off for a little longer

The Easter Trilogy starts on sunday, I have the tech rehearsal for it on thursday and will miss the dress rehearsal on saturday becasue I will be at a wedding. It is three different dramas
The first "The Life and Miracles of Jesus" is this Sunday (April 2) at 8:30am, 11am, and 6:30pm. The second "The Death of Jesus Christ" is the folowing Sunday (April 9) at the same times. And the third "The Resurrection of Jesus" is the Sunday after that (April 16). They are good and I think that you all should try to make it.

That's all for now...I'm gonna go to bed

Arena Football

March 23 2006
had practice tonight...should be a lot of fun. We have our first game next Thursday night at ten on the indoor soccer field in the rec center. I have no idea how well we will do, but it will be a blast. There are four teams and the two teams with at least 2 out of 3 will have a playoff with each other.


March 21 2006
I joined an
Arena Football team today. The  game is going to be different from what
I thought that it was going to is kind of like frisbee
football with a real football...but it should be fun nonetheless.

What is this world coming to????

February 23 2006

The actor that has been chosen for the next James Bond movie can't drive a stick! What are they thinking?

For those of you who understand what a horrible thing this is there is a petition to pull this jerk off. My signature is #8714. You should go and sign as well!