What's the point?

April 03 2006
Why do I bother?

The Capn

April 03 2006
because everyone bothers.

Russell Rodden

April 03 2006
Bother to do what? I don't understand. Wait.... Oh I get it..... You put down the toilet seat because girls hate it when you don't.

Jeana Lewis

April 04 2006
I know people who don't bother. I don't like those people much. You bother because you care. And because you're not a jerk! Caring is a good thing :o)


April 04 2006
hmm...why do you bother doing what? i think it honestly depends..but wht jeana said was good!


April 04 2006
because you care...and thats a good thing


April 04 2006
hmm....this seems familiar...o now i see..... last november i made a blog saying "why the heck do i even care?" and i didn't expect an answer...but i got some "because deep down you know it is worth it even though it is hard right now. Keep the faith, everything will be okay in the end even if it doesn't seem like it now" from a girl you don't know and then Paul- "because we have a hope beyond this life" eh... so i don't have the answere but theirs sounded good


April 04 2006
Because change takes effort. I hope that you have a great day and that you keep "bothering!"

Rebekah Lewis

April 04 2006
I'm lost...