
April 07 2006
So...I did very well, I think, in tonights game. Yet most of my team did very bad. We lost. Worst than last time. I had one amazing interception, three pass blocks, and multipile catches. My battle scars include: a twisted ankle, from a trick play that I was attempting to do before the game (it would have been really cool), two bleeding knees from the stupid fake turf, and a twisted shoulder from a guy who slammed me into the wall and wrenched my arm around to take the ball out of my hands....what fun, though I will be paying dearly for it in the morning. One more game next week, then I am going to try flag football which should be more fun.

Went to Bonhoffers before the game. I left after about five minutes becasue there wasn't anyone to hang out with there and I didn't care for the band playing at the time.

Trilogy practices this week should be intereasting. I will be the only sound tech and I have three different wireless lapel changes that I have to make in the middle of the performance...I should be able to get it.

lookin forward to prom which is three weeks away. As well as the end of the semester.


April 08 2006
Congrats on doing well, but sorry about the injuries...Hope you have a great day!


April 08 2006
That is great about you doing well, bad about the injuries. Hope you are feeling better though.

Jeana Lewis

April 08 2006
Ankle injuries happen when you do Spiderman stunts like running up walls! eesh


April 08 2006
aww man that sounds...awful.