Cari Jennings


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Oakland High School

"what do they keep on fighting for?"

May 29 2006

so today, i was thinking a lot on the way home from McMinnville. and i thought a lot about war and soldiers and all the ethics involved in it. now, don't get me wrong, i haven't been "indoctrinated" or anything, and though i support our soldiers, i'm not too sure how i feel about the war right now. i think that there were good intentions in the beginning, and now i'm pretty sure that we probably can't get out of it, but i think it needs to stop. but i'll guess we'll never really know what might've come, but it could've been horrible and the war stopped that....i dunno. i just wish it didn't have to happen. cause from what i hear, war is so terrible, and though i know that currently they choose to go over there, i still wish they didn't have to. i just think about all of the families of fallen soldiers, and i look at some of the crap that our country quibbles about, and i almost think maybe we need to be shaken up a bit...America has taken its freedom for granted far too long. when our founding fathers drafted the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, i doubt they figured there would be a need to write in a clause or amendment about gay marriage or abortion, because such things just didn't happen. people like Cindy Sheehan march through the capital and bash our president (who is not perfect, but i'd like to see her do his job...), who is doing his best to defend her very right to do so...and spreading that same democracy to other oppressed granted, some tension in government is good, because absolute power corrupts, but c'mon...i'm so tired of seeing nothing but protests and pundits blowing hot air up each other's arses and going on and on about how crappy Bush is, and what a shining, moral, and compassionate party the Democratic (or liberal) party is....gahlee...we need to stop worrying so much about our "rights" and start respecting our leaders. when President Bush sleeps with a White House intern, then you can start bashing him. until then, LAY OFF!!!

this is exactly what's wrong with the U.S. ---the good stand down and stay silent, while the corrupt and wrong are the loudest...if anything is to change in America, we have to stand up and defend our way of life. i'm tired of being called intolerant and closed-minded because i don't accept lifestyles or other things that are not right. i believe that there is forgiveness for all, including myself, who needs it just as much as the next person, and i believe that God loves all. but He is a holy God and cannot accept sin. and that means gossip just as much as murder. so, stand up, and defend what you know is right!

ok, thus is my political rant for this Memorial Day ....GOD BLESS AMERICA!

I'm still proud to be an American.

much love ----Cari 


May 29 2006
My feeling about the war is that we shouldn't have taken so long to get into it. We should have done it a lot more quickly after 9-11, while the reality of terrorism and the reason and drive for war was still fresh. I also believe that the war effort is not focused in enough on its goal, because everyone sees it so differently. Seriously, how many people even really agree what the whole thing is about? When Reagan was President, he had a very tightly focused administration, where he had three goals, one of them being "to defeat the evil empire". I guess it's not fair to compare Bush to Reagan since he was amazing, but it does seem like Bush is spread a little thin trying to save the country on so many different issues. And I can understand why he would do that because we have a lot of problems that need to be solved. Anyhow, regardless of whether the war was right, etc., I agree that it is a very sickening thing when people become so disrespectful of their leader. I didn't have a lot of respect for Clinton and told the occassional joke about him, but I know I did not loathe him in the manner that many Americans do towards Bush. I honestly think there's a lot of spiritual warfare involved with people becomming so close-minded with anyone who cares anything about God. People don't have to like him, but it saddens me how much people bash him and act like he's a total idiot when he's not. Anyhow, that's my two cents, and I know you probably knew most of that already, but I wanted to let it out. If you read all of this you deserve a cookie... lol...


May 29 2006
i love your posts they are the only thing that i have to look forward to to make me think. so many times while reading this though i felt like i was back in mr.davis's class and i was imaginaging what he would be saying back to you. lol. love you much chick


May 29 2006
that was an amazing post Cari & i definitely agree with 95% of what you said... hah.. i love reading your posts.. they're very.. inspiring.. =D


May 30 2006
On the whole Bush issue - I don't like it when people bash Bush, and I also don't like it when people follow him blindly and accept all his decisions just based on his religious affiliations - like he's infallible because he's a Christian. People should realize by now that he's not a saint...he's just the president, he's made buttloads of mistakes, and no, he won't be remembered as one of the great presidents. BUT that doesn't make him "the worst president in history" like so many claim. I wish there were more people who rode the fence between hating him and worshiping him.

Jason Frazier

May 31 2006
I can't resist, the reason soldiers are still there is because the government in Iraq has taken longer than planned to stabilize. Right now its what is called a "political" war. The Iraqi government is facing a lot of trouble with the random bombings, the recent surfacing of the possible murders of innocent civilians, and the fact that Iraq tried to combine its 3 major political factions into one parliament type situation. The thing is, its not working. On the other side, its better than Hussein. What I think should be done, is that we hurry and train the Iraqi police and military force, back out and see if Iraq can hold its own government. Technically the soldiers aren't fighting, their on guard and constantly on the lookout, but their main job right now is training Iraqi's. Now, there will always be people who dislike their leaders, democratic government or not. Its just simply human nature. The people bashing Bush are exactly like you, you wonder why they bash him and they wonder why you support him. Its a circular argument...they think like you, just with differing opinions. Sometimes its just in ignorance that they hate their leaders, sometimes its out of a reason. There are some people who could have a good reason, but not good enough to bash all his political decisions. We'll see what becomes of the government, first in the Midterm elections, second in 2008. I'm curious as to see who the Republicans want as president...


June 04 2006
I agree with Christina. And there are worse things than sleeping with an intern (actually, most presidents have done so- doesn't have anything to do with political policy or how well they can govern the country). Bush is currently doing some things that betray the trust of Americans just as much as Clinton sleeping with an intern betrayed the trust his wife had in him. We shouldn't just follow blindly, we shouldn't just accept wrong things that are happening, and we SHOULD worry about our rights. If we don't, they could be taken away while we aren't looking. You don't think so, maybe, but it's true. It happens everywhere. However, I would agree is doesn't do any good to simply bash Bush and call him an idiot...bashing his policy or practices might be alright though :)


June 04 2006
And on what is happening in Iraq- there are basically civil wars, as there always have been, between the two types of Muslims and a couple other groups that we just so happened to put ourselves in the middle of. After we leave, no matter what we do, there will still be wars between the people because they disagree about things in their religion and leadership that we cannot solve. It's unfortunate we've gotten ourselves into that mess, and all for oil (seriously, it probably is). It's not our business, but now it has become so. And so many people are dying on both sides needlessly. Very very sad to me. I think it is horrendous.