Another Exciting Day...

October 10 2005
Today actually wasn't too bad. Lab was boring of course. In geology, I sat between Page and Lindsey, which guarantees fun in of itself. And then Lindsey asked Page if he had any games on his laptop, and when she found out he had Mario she went crazy! So of course she insisted she play before class! It was so funny! And then we all enjoyed laughing about the Discovery channel website's volcano simulator website.

Math was boring too, and then I had a quiet lunch at the Cyber Cafe. I only went there because I thought I woud get to use one of the computers, but apparently you can't really do anything on them except stare at the MTSU homepage.

Then I went to the library where I ran into Alli, Lauren, and Sarah. When I walked out I saw Alli Scott (not to be confused with the previous Alli Jo Threet from AO) but I didn't recognize her at first because I'm nearsighted! We had a short convo though before I drove to Hasting's, where I accomplished nothing. Then I went to Blockbuster, signed up for my very own Blockbuster membership card, and rented Beauty and the Beast for my theatre appreciation class report! (And yes, I am watching the movie as I type this! Ha ha!)

Alright, I ought to work on my homework now.

A convo in the library:
Me: Hey, what are y'all doing.
Lauren: Looking up pornography.
Me: Lauren! What did I tell you about that?!
Lauren: You're the one who told me it was good!


October 10 2005
lol you can't deny the truth


October 10 2005
woah this is lauren not sarah- somehow i'm on her account...


October 10 2005
thank you...I appriciate it. :)


October 10 2005
yay, exciting days! wow.. blockbuster card.. you rent 2 DVDs and get one free iwth your MTSU id!

Kelly Sullivan

October 10 2005
Volcano simulator website? Heh, funny. Can you build your own explosion, complete with an unsuspecting village at the bottom? Pompeii got nothin' on this.... And yes, porn is good. KIDDING. (I'm the sergeant-at-the-law, and the Franklin, by the way. :) Good convo yesterday after church. 'Twas mostest fun.


October 11 2005
ROFL! I totally have friends who would say stuff like that! >.>; and I'm just as bad as they are...


October 11 2005
I'd like to say this on behalf of...pretty much myself; GO CARDINALS! >:-O ;)