Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Proud Owner Of A Tongue Ring

June 28 2007
That's right. I got it pierced today. And boy was it a trip.

We get to the parlor and I fill out all he paperwork and they get me set up in the room. They guy puts the forceps on my tongue, which was the most painful part. Then he puts the needle through, and I was beyond freaked out. I started having second thoughts (which was dumb of me) and the last thing i remember is seeing a Betty Paige poster and thinking "Wasn't that out in the hall?"

I shot up in the seat only to be pushed back by the guy that did the peircing. He told me I had seized up and fainted, then I started convulsing. He had put the bar in before I had managed to pass out entirely had to fight me to screw the ball in. I about bit his finger off.

I sat there in the chair for about 30 minutes trying to remember my legs and hands, all the while trying to reassure mom that I was okay.

I can take it out in a week and put in a smaller one in. they gave me a really long one so it can stretch with the swelling. So my tongue is about half of my mouth and I can barely talk. Great. That and I can't eat anything decent for about a week.

At the Crossroads of Life

June 28 2007
So that must be the daring thing... well, ice cream is good to eat

Chris Jensen

June 28 2007
schweetness! sounds like painful coolness.

Marybeth Jensen

June 29 2007
But...but...but why did you pierce your tongue?

Rebecca Jensen

June 29 2007

Rebekah Lewis

July 07 2007
one question... why?