Abby Dee


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

"she looks like a birthday cake"

August 04 2005
i wish guys were even HALF as into me as i'm into them.....

erk... stupid males.

in other news:
went to the mall today with carly and ryan and had a blast

ryan wouldn't let me pay him back for my chai late
nor would he let carly pay for her shirt.

we sat on benches and people-watched. we made fun of people's clothes and made up stories about their lives. that's always fun times.

grilled cheese at our daily bread is goood. you should get it ^_^

i got a hott yellow choker (with big, round yellow beads) loooove

afterwards, me and my mommy went to starbucks where i got yet ANOTHER coffee.. i'm spazzy now.

uhh... yeah... i realized probably no one cares.


photo from SeeRockCity

look what RED made for moi!!!

Anthony Myers

August 04 2005
I'm sorry; please don't hate me just because I'm a guy.

Virginia Moss

August 04 2005
iloveloveloveyou. we should go riding in my car listening to techno. ♥

Erin Caudillo

August 05 2005
males are stupid. very. ♥

Virginia Moss

August 05 2005
seriously. my next day off next week. i'll call you. gimmie the digets abbs. ♥


August 05 2005
ahhh I'm with you on the guys. hmmm ooo I like that. very cool. lol


August 05 2005
i love making fun of people at the mall. i know its cruel but they don't know what i'm saying. but the greatest people are at the mall.

Super Ste

August 05 2005
uh, yeah. you should come see me at work if you can, or tell me when you and brett are going to the mall. and, school's starting soon, so we'll see eachother every day and it'll be better. NOTE WRITING! at first i thought your comment said "i'm so sad we're losing" and i was like, yeah, so'm i. cause... i really am losing lately. just at everything. i need to send you an email or something... LOVE YOU!!! xoxoxoxooo


August 05 2005
im liken that pic...dude daily bread is have to try their strawberry-mango smoothie...mmm well thx for the remarks on my photos...i actually just got bored one day and decided to paint my nails loud colors...i like

Brett Tenpenny

August 05 2005
i care! and im not a stupid male... i resent that. lol, just kidding.