
May 26 2006
        I've decided... I am a people person... I am the only person at DQ (of the people I have worked with) who actually likes working the window... Everyone else says they don't like dealing with people... on the other hand... I don't like working with people who don't do as well as they could and should at their job... I don't like having to sit there and watch someone do something that I know that I could do better... they can do better... they just don't and that annoys me... so does that make me difficult to work with?... Anyway... if you want to see me at DQ come through drive-through when we are really slow (then I can stop and chat at the window).

Until we... blog... again?


TrEe HuGgEr

May 26 2006
i don't work myself but i know where your coming from.... god bless people like you and me.


May 26 2006
you..a people person...pssshhhh! :)

Russell Rodden

May 27 2006
Man! Now there are two people. I like working the window too! That's my favorite part. Perhaps we shall fight over it when I work mornings next week. Oh and so my door was unlocked tonight and you left that not there. My heart skipped a beat until I knew that the note was from you. Phew!

beth cooper

May 27 2006
that doesnt make u hard to work with. if they arent doing their best, they dont deserve to work. have a wonderful day!

Jessica Jo

May 27 2006
I hope to visit you sometime soon when I can actually get to that side of town..... :-)

Randy Lewis

May 27 2006
Perhaps that's why there's such a high turnover of employees in the fast food business. Many people just don't care, as long as they get their paycheck.

adam rodrigues

May 27 2006
I'll be sure to come by DQ! O wait... I can't.... At least... for a while.. I miss you guys, but my job's a blast!