I'm So Excited About Heaven.

July 08 2007

Yeah, so i'm really excited about Heaven.

Not in a morbid, "i can't wait to die", kind of way.

I'm just so excited. It's going to be amazing.

Beyone amazing even. Completely indescribable.


Just to know that for believers in Christ, what we experience here on earth, will be the worst we will ever experience. Because in Heaven there is no more hurt, sadness, pain, loneliness, ANYTHING BAD!  Oh my goodness, i'm so excited right now.  Just that a loving God, would let a wretch like me, someone so undeserving of such a magnificent place as Heaven, walk through those gates and spend eternity with Him is mind blowing. Ah, i hope you're as excited as I am. And if you're not, you and God should have a serious talk a.s.a.p.



Oh, we are bruised and destined to lose doing this alone.
Oh, let it fall and cover us all – this grace that’s not our own.
- Nevertheless.

