Amazing Race

December 14 2005
So I love the show the Amazing Race, and I was not really happy about last nights finally. I thought everyone was really mean to the Weaver family this season and so part of me wanted them to win just so they could rub it in everyone elses face that they won but they didn't they came in thrid and I think it was their own fault. They should have kept looking for the departure time, they had a huge lead going into to that part of the game but they lost it! I did like the other two teams, if the Weavers didn't win then I wanted to dad and the three daughters to win but they came in second. Any way, It is again really cold today. It's about 15 degrees out and tomorrow they think we migh have an ice storm, lovely. I still need to do some Christmas shopping so I hope that this Friday is not going to be like last Friday when we had a pretty good snow storm. This weekend I want to get all of my Christmas shopping done, baking, and I need to decorate the apt.
So I am not sure if I mentioned that I am getting a new roommate, Susan, she needs to be out of her apt by the Jan. 1st but she is leaving for Christmas on the 21st, the same day that my current roommate is going home. Cassandra will probally need to sleep on our couch for a little while after the new year because she does not have a job or anywhere to live yet. So I will have a very full apt with three people and all of their stuff in it. 
That's about it for now !


December 13 2005
It is another freezing cold day here in NJ. I think it's like 18 out. Last night had the small group over and we ended up playing blitz which I think I played before in college but I was never really sure. So this week I have a lot to do and I would like to ge the majority of it done today and tomorrow so that Thursday will be a day that I can get out of the office and hang out. So i am getting a new roommate! Susan will start moving her stuff in next week! I am really excited that I won't have to pay rent all on my own and that I get to have such a cool roommate! But I am sad that Cassandra will not be living with me anymore. Another exciting thing is that some of my girls in south jersey are graduating this Sunday and will be back at  home!!! So excited about that!

The program

December 12 2005
We had our first run through for our church Christmas program. Let me just say that my two year olds are the cutest little cherubs that there have ever been. The run through was mass confusion as I predict the acctuall program to be, but the kids are cute and that is all that matters. So today i had staff meeting at 6:30 am. I need a nap already, I'm not sure how I will make it thtough the day! Hope everyone has a gread day!


December 08 2005
So it's like 24 degrees today! And we are supposed to get more snow tonight! I am not looking forward to this!! I want to be warm! I am starting to regret staying here!


December 07 2005
So I think that it is officialy winter here in the North East! This time last week it was in the high 50's with the sun shinning and it was great. Now it's in the 30's and it has snowed twice since sat. night. Not great! I like the snow for like a day, then I hate that it is so cold!!! I need to go some where warm and take a nap! A nap on the beach would be great right now! Oh the beach!


December 01 2005
Hopefully Del and I will get tickets to wicked at the lottery. If not we are going skating and having a little dinner. I bought a new camera today! It's cute and little! I am excited aobut taking pictures tonight in the city with Del! I think I will take a whole lot more phots with this one then with my old one!

Thanksgiving Report

November 28 2005
So Thanksgiving was great! I spent most of the break at Starbucks reading and trying to get away from my family. I realized why so many of the people my age end up going to bars over Thanksgiving, to get away from their families! It's quite stressful! All the questions, and the coments. Starbucks was packed out to. I guess that's where the people that don't drink go to. Over all it was a good break. Capped it off last night with a rousing game of Cranium Turbo Edition!

Yeah for Thanksgiving!

November 21 2005
So I am headed home tonight for Thanksgiving! I am so excited. I don't know why but over this past year I have really missed being at home, and before I didn't really like ever being there. I am looking forward to getting to sleep and to eat my grandma's food! Got to get ready for staff meeting! See y'all after Thanksgiving!

Believing God

November 16 2005
I am reading Believing God by Beth Moore and I just wanted to share something that I read last night that really spoke to my heart.
"If  I'm convinced that God really loves me and has certain priorities fo rme that may take precedence at times, then I am safe to walk by faith. I am freed to know that my God is huge and my God is able and that if I don't get what I asked, if I'll cooperate, I'll get somting bigger. I'm going to belive Him to do anything His Word says He can, then if He chooses not to, I don't have to assume ....
-He dosen't like me.
-He dosent' answer my prayers like He does other's.
-He hardly knows I'm alive.
-He can't do it.
-He's never willing to do it.
-I didn't have enough faith.
-I wavered for a split second.
-I have that sin in my past.
-I'm a falilure
-I've made a fool of myself.
Instead, I get to know that a greater yes is in progress, and I can count on the bigger miracle."

Adventures in Babysitting

November 14 2005
So it's over! Here is the recap of what happened after my post on Tuesday. Wed. night Duncan started a fever that lasted until Saturday mornign around 3 am. The high point of the fever was Thursday night/ Friday morning when he was up for two hours just wailing, and there is nothing that I could do for him. Even though the fever was gone he was still pretty miserable for the rest of the weekend. Sunday he woke up around 5:30 but fell back to sleep around 7 which I would have loved to do also but his sister was then up and I had to hang out with her. Yesterday directly after church we got home and the parents had returned. Everyone was happy. I went home and took a 3 hour nap. I am now sick from those kids and I feel like crap! 


November 10 2005
The kids have succeded in their mission, now I'm sick!


November 08 2005
So like a lot of girls I can't wait to be married and to have kids, well this week I have been getting a taste of what it's like. My roommate and two of our friends volunteered to watch these two kids while there parents are on vacation. Olivia is 2 1/2 and Duncan is 1 1/2. Let me just say that I have not even been doing this a week and I am worn out and dang tired! This morning Duncan decided to get up an hour earlier than usuall, so instead of 6:30 he got up at 5:40 in the morning! He is also starting to throw temper tantrums with anything that I do. Like change is diaper, put him in his car seat etc. Oh and did I mention they are sick. They keep passing a cold back and forth to one another, and now I am getting sick.Olivia has started to become very independant, she has to try and do everything herself, today she wanted to change her on diaper, which would have been fine but we were running late and I did not feel like cleaning up the mess that would create. Oh and her first responce to every thing that I ask her to do is NO! I don't know why but I feel like the 3 other girls have kind of abonded me on this adventure in babysitting and I can not wait for their parents to get back on Sunday. At church on Sunday everyone kept asking if I was ready to be a mom after this weekend, and I was like heck no! But now that I think about it when I do have kids I will  be married so there will be some one to help out with things, and I won't have a job on top of taking care of the kids, and I will love them a whole lot more than I love these two because they will be my own.
So tomorrow morning when I leave them at Daycare I don't go on duty again until Friday morning! I get to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night! Pray for me over the weekend, the weekends are hard with these two! Oh and more joyus news another one of my friends is getting married! My boss got engaged this weekend to his girlfriend Ana. I am excited for them, but my friend Obi and I spent the weekend kind living that Friends episode when Monica get's engaged  Pheobie and Rachel are like " I'm like 50% happy for them and 50% sad that it's not me.
So that's my life right now, probally won't hear from me until next Monday when I go back to my normal life!

I'm learning

October 31 2005
I think that I am learning a lot right now and I think that the thing that I am learning the most is that it's not as hard as I think it is at times. Also I am learning that it is ok to say that you messed up and you have to start over again! 

I need some input

October 25 2005
I am putting together some bridge events for the college minsitry at my church. Let me know what you think about them and if they sound like something you would go to.
1. Salsa Night (Free Salsa Dancing Lessons/ Dancing all night)
2. Dodge ball tournament
3. Coffee House/Open Mic night
4. Campus Cookout
5. Some kind of partenrship with another campus org to do something for Christmas, I need some help with that one.
So let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

The New Printer

October 20 2005
I'm not sure if you have heard me complain about the printer at my office, but it sucked. It was the most tempromental thing. I have had many a late night because of that thing not wanting to print the thing that I needed printed. So after it finally died our Adminstrative Pastor started to look for a new printer. On Monday our beautiful new printer arrived! It does color /black and white, double sided copies, punches holes, staples, saddle stich (what ever that is) and it's in our office. I no longer have to spend hours at Kinko's dealing with the mean people there who have no idea what coustomer service is. I am so excited, I printed inserts for our program yesterday and never had to leave m,y desk! It's amazing!

The Sun

October 14 2005
For those of you not in NYC, it's been raining here for 8 days straight. Not just a little rain every few days but dumping rain every day since last Friday. For 5 minutes today I saw the sun and it was beautiful. I rolled down my car window just so I could see it better. It was breaking through the clouds with all of it's might but it was not strong enough, it went back behind the clouds and then it started to rain harder. I heard on Regis and Kelly today that if this had been snow we would have gotten 96 inches of snow! Thank the LORD it was not snow! The rain should stop tomorrow, Praise God!


October 13 2005
I don't know if any body is with on this one but I am so sick of this rain! I know that we need the rain but I could we get a little sun!