Amazing Race

December 14 2005
So I love the show the Amazing Race, and I was not really happy about last nights finally. I thought everyone was really mean to the Weaver family this season and so part of me wanted them to win just so they could rub it in everyone elses face that they won but they didn't they came in thrid and I think it was their own fault. They should have kept looking for the departure time, they had a huge lead going into to that part of the game but they lost it! I did like the other two teams, if the Weavers didn't win then I wanted to dad and the three daughters to win but they came in second. Any way, It is again really cold today. It's about 15 degrees out and tomorrow they think we migh have an ice storm, lovely. I still need to do some Christmas shopping so I hope that this Friday is not going to be like last Friday when we had a pretty good snow storm. This weekend I want to get all of my Christmas shopping done, baking, and I need to decorate the apt.
So I am not sure if I mentioned that I am getting a new roommate, Susan, she needs to be out of her apt by the Jan. 1st but she is leaving for Christmas on the 21st, the same day that my current roommate is going home. Cassandra will probally need to sleep on our couch for a little while after the new year because she does not have a job or anywhere to live yet. So I will have a very full apt with three people and all of their stuff in it. 
That's about it for now !

Maria Haun

December 14 2005
I didn't want the Weavers to win!


December 14 2005
Part of me did, but part of me didn't . It was a tough call you know!