Believing God

November 16 2005
I am reading Believing God by Beth Moore and I just wanted to share something that I read last night that really spoke to my heart.
"If  I'm convinced that God really loves me and has certain priorities fo rme that may take precedence at times, then I am safe to walk by faith. I am freed to know that my God is huge and my God is able and that if I don't get what I asked, if I'll cooperate, I'll get somting bigger. I'm going to belive Him to do anything His Word says He can, then if He chooses not to, I don't have to assume ....
-He dosen't like me.
-He dosent' answer my prayers like He does other's.
-He hardly knows I'm alive.
-He can't do it.
-He's never willing to do it.
-I didn't have enough faith.
-I wavered for a split second.
-I have that sin in my past.
-I'm a falilure
-I've made a fool of myself.
Instead, I get to know that a greater yes is in progress, and I can count on the bigger miracle."