jeff martin
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hixson high school
girls, martial arts, guitar, golf, baseball, tennis, football, (sports in general), debate
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Why do I wait? (part 2)
December 05 2005
Well, as many of you have asked... yes, I did finish my papers. I finished and got in bed around 3 this morning.... I should have been done around 12, but instead of staying at the computer lab like I should have, I went home to finish my first paper and start my second (the easier of the two). Well, instead of finishing by 12, I sat around and watched Adam play Playstation 2 instead of finishing.... well, nobody ever accused me of being smart.
Cara Hawkins
December 06 2005
This is going to be a random remark, but I use to live in Hixson, when I was in 3rd grade, it is just so odd to see some one else from that area on phusebox.