elizabeth duncan





October 06 2005
I love my little sister. I'm so glad I get to hang out with her for the next few days!

Today I drove forever and ever (amen) and then we went to the mall and Target. Kathleen got a new shirt ("Team LC" for all you Laguna Beach fans) and she bought me some boots! YAY for new shoes!

Tomorrow we are going to see In Her Shoes. We both read that book over a year ago and loved it...so it's cool that we get to see the movie together.

Right now I am learning how to use my iPod as a hard drive. Fun!

Annnnnndddd, that's all!


photo from spencertheduck

Our "signature scent"


I like this picture!

September 27 2005

photo from sarah


September 14 2005
Last week Rachael Meyer put the names of some missing hurricane victims on some bracelet things (my kids thought I'd gone clubbin'). The point was so that we'd pray for each person specifically. The person I had was Earlene Thompson, a 72 - year - old with diabetes, missing from her nursing home. So I prayed for her for a few days, then my bracelet got gross so I took it off. Well, today I did a search to see whatever happened to 'ole Earlene and this is what I found:


So, I'm sitting here at school in tears because of this wonderful story that God, for some reason, wanted me to be connected to. Wow.



September 01 2005
I Thought In My Heart...

Is this called discontent? Like the meaning behind the father's proud and angry stroll into the church with the mother s
traggling behind with the child, they both smiled. When they reached for the door they were happy again. Grim faces mope about (they ask), "How shall we live today?" They walk back-first through the crowds in rooms, looking only for a faster way to advance and pay, throw the deadliest smiles, such things that will never suffice. Their spirits cry, "All I want to hear is that I'm ok. But the light burns me." To these people I owe my greatest apologies, for I have been made aware of their needs but I'm afraid that I might share His disgrace. In these thoughts the truth is stripped away. Peeled and peeled away.But because of His great love, we are not consumed. His compassions never fail. His mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness Lord unto me (Leviticus 3:22-23).



August 26 2005
I have a date with a 6-year-old today.

I think my tractor's sexy...

August 07 2005
Bethany and I went to Florida this past week…it was a good vacation before school starts!

On the way from Tampa Airport to our hotel in Clearwater....

photo from spencertheduck

The beach!

photo from spencertheduck

Kathleen came to hang out…

photo from spencertheduck

Our feet!

photo from spencertheduck

Today we went to the farm and drove one of the tractors….no, really.

photo from spencertheduck

photo from spencertheduck

photo from spencertheduck

AND I just want to say that I read the 6th Harry Potter. I forget how much I love Harry Potter (the books, that is) until I read another one. I just get so sucked into it. I know some of you might not have finished it yet, so I will just say this because it’s funny:
I cried. A lot. On the plane, on the way home yesterday. I am sure it had something to do with the fact that we’d had about 2.5 hours of sleep…but I was so trying to hide it and it wasn’t working. Good book.

School starts for me tomorrow. Today I went to clean my room…Rebekah came and helped me (thanks!) It was fun! I am looking forward to this year….hopefully it will be good!

Anyway…off to bed. (Actually, to watch The O.C. in my bed [I am embarrassed to admit that I like it….and that I’ve rented all of Season 1 to watch on DVD] and pretend to be asleep).

I know i should know this...

July 26 2005
but storey, rebekah, and cari - i don't have y'all's phone numbers. um, call me when you read this (IF you read this before Bible Study)



July 08 2005
today, while walking down the street with my pants rolled up to my knees (like an idiot) because it's pouring down rain (and will be for a couple of days), i realized that i felt nothing but pure bliss deriving from being in my favorite city.

i love new york. no really, i do.

tonight: anathallo. 9:00. best band ever.


July 05 2005
"We imagine that a little anxiety and worry are an indication of how really wise we are; it is much more an indication of how really wicked we are."

I love Oswald Chambers. But not more than God.

I also love getting organized and feeling productive.

Why is it that when I am at my worst, at the end of my rope, anxiety - ridden, almost (keyword ALMOST) hopeless that a little sleep helps? I know that God "does not slumber nor sleep," so to me that suggests that He's working in my heart when I am sleeping. In other words, He doesn't really need my help.

Timt to do more homework. 3 assignments down, one to go!

NYC tomorrow!

cutest baby ever.

July 03 2005

photo from spencertheduck

photo from spencertheduck

photo from spencertheduck

beautiful day

July 03 2005

photo from spencertheduck

why everyone needs a friend like bethany

July 03 2005

ok, after reading bj's entry and thinking the same thing myself, i decided to not talk about myself on here and write about someone else instead.
there's this girl whose name is bethany. she's been my friend for like 13 years and my best friend for like 9. and she's simply one of the the coolest, most kind, creative, funny, spontaneous, top notch people i know.
she loves jesus with a burning passion, and that passion is contagious and inspiring. she loves her family. she loves her friends, even though she is very selective of those few people. this is not to say she's not friendly - she is. her friendliness, however (her favorite word), is very genuine. she really is interested in your answer to her question "if you could be anywhere else in the world right now where would you be?" she is slow...she eats slow, walks slow, is slow getting out of her car, etc. she takes forever to answer when she is asked a question because she knows that words are important. she analyzes everything.
she is beautiful. i don't use that word often, because i believe there are few beautiful people in this world. in order to be beautiful, one must be as beautiful on the outside as he/she is on the inside. and bethany is. she has a heart for the lost as well as those who don't have as much as she does. she will give money to every homeless person she sees without hesitation. she hurts for those who are hurting and will do everything in her power to help them.
she is intelligent because she loves to learn. if she's interested in something she will research it. she can have an intelligent conversation with anyone because she knows what she's talking about, and when she doesn't she does a great job of convincing you that she does.
bethany is a walking juxtaposition - stubborn but humble, strong - willed but gentle, and calm but incredibly silly. she laughs at you when you're not funny and loves you when you're not loveable.

i am lucky that she is a part of my life. i am lucky that 9 years ago this month we bonded over silly adolescent girly stuff (read: boys). i am lucky because she pushes me, encourages me, listens to me, laughs with me, and is truthful with me. Most of all, though, i am lucky because i can call her my best friend.


July 03 2005
So we went to see Howie and Gavin (yeah, we're on a first name basis...) in Ohio on Friday night. By "we" I mean Rachael, Bethany, and myself. It was lots of fun and so worth the 6 hour drive...especially because of the "Let's be mean to Elizabeth 5 minutes," the giant Jesus, and the good conversation. Bethany kept trying to go to sleep and then she'd remember something she wanted to say...she's funny.
I had to work yesterday at 7 (am) so I got like an hour of sleep. When I got home I went to bed with the intention of taking a 2-hour nap and didn't wake up until like 9:45 this morning! Guess I was a little tired. Been spending the day organizing my life because i know I won't have another day to do so before i go to NYC...which is in 3 days! I am so excited...ellie and anathallo...2 of my favorites!

Um. I think that's all.

for ellie and justin

June 28 2005
"We are not here to work for God because we have chosen to do so, but because God has apprehended us. There is never any thought of - 'Oh, well, I am not fitted for this.' What you are to preach is determined by God, not by your own natural inclinations"

-Oswald Chambers


June 23 2005
Tom Brokaw said this in a recent comencment speech:

"What, you may be asking yourself this morning, is this real life all about? Ladies and gentlemen of the Class of 2005 at Dartmouth, it's not college—it's not high school. Real life is junior high.

The world you're about to enter is filled with adolescent pettiness, pubescent rivalries, the insecurities of 13-year-olds and the false bravado of 14-year-olds. Forty years from now, I guarantee it, you'll still be making silly mistakes, you'll have a temper tantrum, you'll have your feelings hurt for some trivial slight, you'll say something dumb and at least once a week you'll wonder, "Will I ever grow up?"

You can change that. In pursuit of passions, always be young. In your relationship with others, always be a grown-up."

Good stuff.


June 23 2005
bethany's parents used to tell her to eat her carrots because she wouldn't need glasses if she did. they reasoned that rabbits don't need glasses, so she wouldn't either. my parents told me that i would be able to see in the dark like my cat if i ate mine.

funny thing is, we both believed them. and we ate our carrots. why do we believe our parents about things like this, and when do we get to the point where we don't believe them anymore? even if they still (STILL) usually know what's best.

anyway, i suck at updating. especially about anything important. one of my [former] students told me that i was stupid for putting directions to my house on phusebox, so now everyone knows where i live...but, um, it's in the phonebook. not to mention none of them can DRIVE and by the time they can they won't care about me anymore.

last night me and my friend justin talked about calling versus passion. i remember ellie and i having several conversations about the same thing. he asked me what my passion was, and for the first time i was able to answer without hesitation..."kids." but not any kids...just teenagers. however, my calling is now to teach them...but that's not the purpose of my life. so maybe it should be calling versus passion versus purpose. ohhhh...hmmm. i need to think about that one some more.

bethany and sarah and i also got to talk to the other brother for a while last night...it was really nice, because as i told him - i know nathan pretty well, but i like getting to know him too. and the conversation was good...God is so cool.

i have been reading this book by ryan dobson (son of james) about tolerance and moral relativism...it's great. everyone should read it. especially those who think you can love the world and follow Christ...he proves it impossible.

well, i get to go to nyc july 6-9, which is not nearly enough time...but it's better then nothing.

p.s. Bible study girls...reread the directions to my house and tell me I didn't say "left." Right. I do give good directions after all. HA.

p.p.s if i talked to you about coming to the Bible Study and you need a ride or something...let me know!


June 20 2005
Bible study at my house tomorrow night at 7:30! We are doing The Sacred Romance by John Eldrege (he's awesome). We aren't technically starting tomorrow night since no one has the books, but we will be discussing stuff.
COME! You (yes you) are invited.

Directions to my house:

From Haynes:
-turn into regency park (regency park drive)
- go all the way back (almost to seigal elementary)
-pass regal, princess, and majesty drive (s)
-my street is palisade and the address is 615.
-(it's the 3rd [or so] on the left with two white columns on the front

from memorial:
-pass sports com and state farm and that one church that always has something interesting on their sign (carpenter's house?)
-turn left after afore-mentioned church onto regal drive
[- if you pass subway/hot spot you went too far]
-go to stop sign
turn right onto regency park drive
-pass regal, princess, and majesty drive (s)
-my street is palisade and the address is 615.
-(it's the 3rd [or so] on the left with two white columns on the front

[if you know where kay and bill and sarah jane and will taylor live it's 2 houses down]


June 11 2005
agree or disagree with this statement:

you can love someone and not like them.

why or why not? discuss nicely, if you want, please.


June 09 2005
I love it when I don't check phusebox for a while and people have updated. It's always interesting to know what's going on in people's heads, even if what they write is only like half of it.
I also love it when I'm babysitting for Brent and Elizabeth and when they leave they lock me in. I mean, I could get up and lock the door myself, but one of them doing it for me makes me feel safe.

Today I finished all my homework for next week (I know, loser) and cleaned! My room hasn't been this clean in months. It's so nice.

Tomorrow I have to work and then drive to Franklin for Heather and Matt's rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I'm so excited for them! I think this weekend should be a lot of fun.

Tonight at Bible Study we talked about envy. It's an interesting sin, because most people don't even know they're envious. It manifests itself in different ways...for some, it's materialism. For me, it's not that I don't want the other person to have what I want...it's just that I want it too. Does that make sense?

Anyways, I'm going to bed at a decent hour. Have a good weekend, y'all.

This One's for the Girls........

June 07 2005
Rachael and I are going to do a Bible Study this summer with some girls. I have no clue where it will be (my house possibly) but we are going to do The Sacred Romance by John Eldridge. It's kinda intense but really good.
Anyway, if you think it would be fun to have fellowship and study God's word and grow in your relationship with Him on Tuesday nights all summer long (after Big Stuf) then you are invited. Actually, if you don't think it would be fun but think you might wanna come anyway, you're still invited.

I'm excited...come play with us!


June 06 2005
Ted Leo + Pharmacists...fun CD. For the month of June I will be working every day except Sunday. 4 days/week babysitting Jonah and Ezra, 2 days at the Rutherford County Adult Education Center. But July...Florida hopefully, and New York, and other places!

God is funny...I say that a lot...but He is still sovereign, still faithful, still in control when I am just a silly little girl trying to deny and become numb and drown in this ocean I have created for myself.


June 04 2005
I spent the last week of my life in Chicago with my dad and my sister. It's a great city...not too big and/or intimidating, but just right. Kind of like the porridge. Never mind.

Anyway, we ate Twizzlers the whole time and shopped. We also saw Wicked (the musical). Wicked is about the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch before they were "Wicked" and "Good." Ohhhh...the best part was that we got front row seats! Yup, I won them in a drawing. So Kathleen and I got dressed up and went to see that on Tuesday. Dad bought me the book so I am reading it. It's way different than the musical, but that's to be expected.

The rest of the week...well, we shopped. Of course we did...I happen to be the sister of the most fashion oriented person in the world. I spent a lot of time in the Apple store. Something was wrong with my iPod so the dude fixed it. I can't wait til we get one here, even though I'm sure it won't be as cool.
Tonight I have to go to the bachelorette party of my friend Heather...her wedding is next weekend and I'm a bridesmaid. I think it will be fun, but I'm looking forward to hanging out with this group of friends tonight.

I think, as a defense mechanism, I am becoming more shallow. It's just gonna have to be okay for now.

[tap tap tap]

June 04 2005
is this thing on?