elizabeth duncan





July 03 2005
So we went to see Howie and Gavin (yeah, we're on a first name basis...) in Ohio on Friday night. By "we" I mean Rachael, Bethany, and myself. It was lots of fun and so worth the 6 hour drive...especially because of the "Let's be mean to Elizabeth 5 minutes," the giant Jesus, and the good conversation. Bethany kept trying to go to sleep and then she'd remember something she wanted to say...she's funny.
I had to work yesterday at 7 (am) so I got like an hour of sleep. When I got home I went to bed with the intention of taking a 2-hour nap and didn't wake up until like 9:45 this morning! Guess I was a little tired. Been spending the day organizing my life because i know I won't have another day to do so before i go to NYC...which is in 3 days! I am so excited...ellie and anathallo...2 of my favorites!

Um. I think that's all.


July 03 2005
oh you have got to be kidding me... you have time to put 2 "U2"'s under favorite music but you dont have time for Evanescence..i think this is the time where we rethink our past and say "hey..i made a mistake.." i think that comes from the worst of us... lets not make that mistake again...