
July 09 2005
rode every ride.
made new friends

early *yawns*

July 07 2005
woke up just to have time to write this entry.

I am leaving today :] yayayayayayayay.
I stayed up allll night with tiffany
because I was too excited to sleep.
well we might have squeezed in 3 hours of sleep
but hey! we have a whole 6 hour van trip to sleep haha.

I love ohio
I love rollercoasters
I love pecans
I love my relienkt k c.d
I love my wondeful, faithful mp3 player
I love toooooooooooooby mac
I also love yall & will miss you very very much.

have fun without meeeee. be back sometime saturday.

Jamison, haha lariesa

I love you && that's what you are getting your self into.

tomorrow baby, ohyessss

July 06 2005
I am going to Ohio tomorrow. :]
oh yessss, I cant wait.

DOM_HLL you know, if I knew you.
I would probably go to your house alot
because I have no friends where I live haha.

I'll miss ya && I love ya.

please go to my xanger banger.
it is awesome beyond awesome.
leave a commeto too :]
ahahah tiffany.

yes, that's what we want

July 05 2005
DOM_HLL: ok, let me get this straight.. so girls want a guy who is sensitve, caring, and is not afraid to show emotions and can do all this around other guys.... so in other words u want ur boyfriend to act like a girl but u DON'T want them to gay... lol take care and keep smiling

up at 11 with the fireworks

July 05 2005
man oh man last night was pretty gggreat.
not one of the best fourth of july's I've had
but still pretty good.
I couldnt go to claire's because
my dad decided "hey, let's have a cookout over here"
so I was left alone until tiffany came over
which was about uhhhh 7?
the food was allll amazing && the fireworks were just beautiful.

butbutbut I have to tell you. I met someone.
not someone I am considering dating.
but a very sweet someone & kinda cute at that
he could do some things to look waaaaay better
but I liked his personality
his name is stanley, yes like that show haha
but he came over &&
first asked us if we wanted to go watch MTSU fireworks with them
but I couldnt, because of how my dad is
but he came back later & talked to us
we sat on his truck for awhile but
went back to my house & sat on the blankets
to talk && watch fireworks.
awe but he gave my sister & her friend handshakes
but tiffany && I hugs lol
my sister's friend said it was
because me && tiff had boobs
hahaha hilarious right?
very sweet guy though. sr in highschool, family lives across the street haha.
lucky me?
nonono I'm not looking right now.
I'm focusing my life more to God right now.

hope yall had a wonderful fourth of juuuuuly.
have a great day :]

I love you.

p.s;; 2 more daaaaaayssssss til O-H-I-O

terribly bored :/

July 04 2005
sidewalk chalk. how lovely
I got extremely bored & I color every
sidewalk block at my house. very colorful heh.

happy fourth of juuuuuuly by the way!
mmmmm cookouts= food. heh
&&&& Jamie + fireworks = x_x
uh oh. lol

3 more days til O-H-I-O
cant wait, cant wait, cant wait.

i.m me please, I am terribly bored today.
but hyper so I need to let it all out on someone
maybe listening to relient k or hellogoodbye will help.

I love you all dearly.

call me crazy

July 03 2005
I cant wait til Thursday. I mean I am just not sitting still at all. I mean alot of kids get homesick, I was never ever one of those children. I was/am always ready to get away from my house haha. not that it's awful but it's boring :/ Thursday I get to seeeee toby mac, kutless, third day, casting crowns, etc etc in ohio :] yessssss. & I finally got over my fear of heights so I will be going on alllllllll the rollercoasters in the amusement park. -sighs- haha.

random facts about me =]

i love dancing to hellogoodbye
i love chocolate & twislers
i love singing even if I suck, or do I?
i love scrapbooking
i love my God, he's amazing
i love talking
i want to go to ohio now!
i wanna take a roadtrip to california
i like boys :] heh heh
i love adventures with claire, my best friend everrrrrrrrrr
i love goin to look at the clouds
i love music more than my bed
i wanna be in a relationship, a good one
i want to go back to new york
i wish someone would whisk me away somewhere like in those cheesy romantic movies & kiss me
i love taking pictures
i love chapstick
i love my mr. leo
i like reading sad stories, ones that make me cry like a baby
i want to meet wil ferrel [sp?]
i also want to meet tom cruise :] hahah
i want a car, so I can drive fast. lol
i want to hangout with claire or joshua
i love the way YOU smile
i love seeing old friends
i love flowers, especially white tulips
i hate people who constantly lie
i love my little sister
i love taking walks
i love jumping on my bed, it never gets old even if your about to turn 15
i want to see jack johnson in concert
i love my friends, even if I dont see them all the time
i want claire to be here, I'm bored :/
i want to go to the pool
i love gettin tan
i love going to the beach
i just love the way that person acts around me, it's cute heh
i wanna write all the time
i miss mcfadden
i wanna see cyla, my best friend in rochester
i like markers
i also love yoooou

p.s new pic :] ch-ch-check it out haha
I say, beastie boys came out with that song for one reason. it easily gets stuck into your head :/

he loves me, he loves me not

July 02 2005
I love you :]
I wish I could do the whole
he loves me, he loves me not
thing with the flowers.
I could but I dont know what's happening
hopefully I will be able to do it all.
I'm to confusing for guys. lol

not getting any sleep = craziness

July 01 2005
wow well Tiffany stayed the night again lol. we went to sports com & stared at people, it was hilarious. then we came back to my house and rode on the bikes for quite a bit until it started raining. in that we were still riding our bike so we got soaked all over again. then after the rain it was pretty so we did sidewalk chalk. I swear I can be one of those people who draw on the sidewalks of new york lol. then we played -who wants to be a millionaire- on my computer because we got extremely bored. lol but we played that for like 2hours straight. it was crazy, and we were awfully stupid. well when I dont get sleep, I am either grumpy or crazy. so last night I was crazy and would laugh at anything. so we slept all night laughing and singing commerical jingles lol. :/

today we are going to chuck e cheese. yay what fun! lol and later after we take tiffany home we are going to go to sports com again. so I have a fun day ahead of me. I'm gonna go take a shower now.

thank you soooo much for the remarks :] you guys are the best. so have a wonderful day.

I love you,

war of the worlds, boys, & boys

June 30 2005
well the movie went quite well. I thought it was amazing. so I suggest you go see it :] it's one of those movies I'd see twice in theater. tom cruise is hott. even for a fourty something year old man. he is hott. haha so was the guy who played his son. -sighs- anyways if you want to know what I am talking about just go see the movie haha.

tiffany stayed the night. she is still here, sleeping haha. we stayed up until 4 & someone called at like 8:30 so I had to get up. I'm one of those people you cant fall back alseep so now I'm here typing this. :/ buuut we had fun. we watch -big fish- & -fear dot com- which was a little weird but cool at the same time lol. then we talked about boys, that's what we usually do. trying to make up our minds about things, trying to figues out why. I mean I dont understand myself when it come to boys. haha it's weird. but anyways, some of the things we talked about was hilarious. I had a great time "deep" talking about alot of things. I feel relieved now.

well I'll let ya go for now. I might come back later if me & tiffany go do something horribly stupid haha.

I love you.

dancing in the rain, 2nd grade crushes, & getting in trouble?

June 29 2005
haha well I didnt get to go to the pool because it rained like there was NO tomorrow :/ but I stood out in the rain because it felt good. this is the 2nd time in a row that has happened. darn you sports com! haha but I came home & talked to people on aim mostly. yes I know, "how exciting". anyways one of those people was this guy that I met on phusebox which turned out to be my 2nd/3rd grade crush. hahah we rode the bus together. imagine that. but I like him, he's awesome. pretty sweet guy ;]

today I am going to my friend Tiffany's house, yesss I mean I dont think I have been anywhere but my best friend Claire's house this summer which isnt bad because no one can beat staying with claire. but I am also going to the movies to hopefully see, if it isnt sold out, war of the worlds. but if not we can always watch something else. correct? well it'll still be fun considering like 10-12 people are coming along with us. then I'm going to my awesome church. :] and tiffany is coming home with me afterward & staying the night. I wonder what kind of trouble we'll get in this time? hahah

well I hope your summer has been amazing. have a wonderful day you guys!

I love you,

sidewalk chalk, cheesy movies, & swimming are the bomb

June 28 2005
well I hope you guys liked my poem that I wrote yesterday, you can always go back and read it if you didnt.

tomorrow, wednesday, a bunch of my friends & I are going to the movies at carmike to go watch war of the worlds at four so if you wanna go, cmon! the more people, the more fun right? lol

babysat today mostly. we played outside with sidewalk chalk. it keeps them occupied for at least an hour. :] I am going to the pool here in a bit, yessss but I am serisouly in a swimming. maybe because I lost weight & I can fit into my favorite bikini again? why yes that must be it hahaha.

well I'll update later.
I love you,

el love poem

June 27 2005
slowly, my heart is bleeding
from all your staggering words
my mind is so clouded
by all the hate & the hurt
between us there used to be so much love
what happened? where did it all go?
you left me here to cry
with my head in my hands
as the days go by
I drown my self in my sorrows
lying on the floor
crying, until there is nothing left to cry
repeating in a whisper to myself
"please come back, forgive me for whatever I did,
for whatever bruise I might have left on your heart"
I'll pick up every piece, if you give me a new start
first loves are always quite dramatic
oh the tragedy it causes me
I cant get you out of my head
or even my heart
I dream about you
at night & in the day
broken & bent
only you darling, can make it straight
my life in incomplete if you arent the one
to make everything okay...

okay okay, I did write this.
I do alot of writing, I have for awhile.
It get my emotions out all at once
so then I wont have to explode & take it
out on people :] ya know?

feeling quite random

June 26 2005
what is something you wish for?
what to you is unconditional love?
what in your words is"love"?
are you content with who you are?

I love you.

what is something you wish for? something I wish for is, to live a better life. I just have made so many mistakes & I just want to be happier

what to you is unconditional love? uncondtional love? is definately God because he loves us no matter what.

what in your words is love? love is when you can look past the flaws and still love them for who they are. it's a feeling you feel, you know it's right

are you content with who you are? yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with who I am. I cant complain, I am blessed with so many great people & things. so yeah I am pretty content.

bon jour

June 25 2005
french is a pretty language is some ways lol, I love the word love in french, it's beautiful.

anyways nothing much happened today. cept I went to patterson park to swim & run. I feel great now. running is great once you get past the ache in you legs haha. but yeah I run when I get really stressed now. you push yourself so hard to get to the finish, it gives you someting to look forward to. I usually pray when I run now. I've been feeling so great with God, I talk to him alot now. since I know for sure he's always there for me when everyone lets me down. relient k also does some miracles. lol

I've already got six friends, oh how I feel so loved. I think I am getting to like this better than xanga :] it's pretty awesome. & so much better people to meet. plus I take so many pictures & now it's so much easier to show them off lol.

okay well that's enough to bore you today. haha. have a wonderful day. yall are amazing.

I love you,

for you:: http://artpad.art.com/?iinmubrgrg4


June 24 2005
xanga gets old, so I thought I'd try something new. just thought I'd share with you what I wrote on my last entry.

anyways do you guys ever have that time where God just come into your life after a long long time, even when you try to convince yourself He's there but you know He's not? It kinda had that happened to me last night. I've been doing my quiet times everyday now && it's been a big slap in the face for me. I've seen how I have been living lately && I just dont like it very much. It's an overwhelming feeling, but the good kind. it's just like I told Reese the other day. it feels good. because it's something new & you can feel it taking place. I'm also starting to write again. cause I've been writing but it's all crap and for the first time in months & months I've written something good. something inspiring. it's like this peace just took over me & this joy replaced my other thoughts I've been having. but I ended up making some commitments to God last night. because last night I had a YMT meeting & Duane lead us in a bible study of making choices.

example:: you could go to your friend's birthday party. this is a friend you've been wanting to witness to, so maybe this is a chance to talk or become closer to them to work your way to sharing the gospel with them. or you could go to that youth trip.

Duane said it all depended on the mission focus & the decisions I made last night between God & I, are some great ones. but giving up some things right now seems like what I needto focus on God & so I can lead more people to Him. the commitments I made dont sound like me at all & you'll probably think I cant do it...it's going to be hard but what comes easily in this life?

ask me on aim & I could share my commitments..it's more of a personal thing so I dont want it plastered on the internet.

I love you all.