feeling quite random

June 26 2005
what is something you wish for?
what to you is unconditional love?
what in your words is"love"?
are you content with who you are?

I love you.

what is something you wish for? something I wish for is, to live a better life. I just have made so many mistakes & I just want to be happier

what to you is unconditional love? uncondtional love? is definately God because he loves us no matter what.

what in your words is love? love is when you can look past the flaws and still love them for who they are. it's a feeling you feel, you know it's right

are you content with who you are? yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with who I am. I cant complain, I am blessed with so many great people & things. so yeah I am pretty content.


June 26 2005
i am not gonna answer all of that because it can hardly be out into words...alot of words at that...it's just alot of feelings. It's all different to different people.


June 26 2005
what is something you wish for? that we can go swimming later this week what to you is unconditional love? love that's unconditional haha, kidding. uhmm.. love that never ends, love that dispite all it's flaws is beautiful. what in your words is"love"? love is when after the infatuation period, you still honor that person are you content with who you are? pretty much... depends

Eli Sadler

June 26 2005
yeah i know him


June 27 2005
1. what is something i wish for? to be loving and literate. 2. what is unconditional love? most definatley God. 3. what in my words is love? God. but i'll try to be more.. unchristiany about it, haha. um. i agree with you somewhat, when you look past flaws and accept them for who they are. but it's not just that, it's being able to be up front and honest with them instead of letting them fool themselves. it's respect. it's being affectionate. it's intimacy. it's not just a feeling. it's.. gosh i don't know, it's too early in the morning for this, haha. i'll add more later. am i content with who i am? yes. no? i should be, God made me who i am. but still.. i there are some factors i want to change about my personality. not too much on my looks, anymore.


June 27 2005
Hey Jamie. This are cool. I'm still gonna keep my xanga too. Send me a comment. - Jacob