
June 24 2005
xanga gets old, so I thought I'd try something new. just thought I'd share with you what I wrote on my last entry.

anyways do you guys ever have that time where God just come into your life after a long long time, even when you try to convince yourself He's there but you know He's not? It kinda had that happened to me last night. I've been doing my quiet times everyday now && it's been a big slap in the face for me. I've seen how I have been living lately && I just dont like it very much. It's an overwhelming feeling, but the good kind. it's just like I told Reese the other day. it feels good. because it's something new & you can feel it taking place. I'm also starting to write again. cause I've been writing but it's all crap and for the first time in months & months I've written something good. something inspiring. it's like this peace just took over me & this joy replaced my other thoughts I've been having. but I ended up making some commitments to God last night. because last night I had a YMT meeting & Duane lead us in a bible study of making choices.

example:: you could go to your friend's birthday party. this is a friend you've been wanting to witness to, so maybe this is a chance to talk or become closer to them to work your way to sharing the gospel with them. or you could go to that youth trip.

Duane said it all depended on the mission focus & the decisions I made last night between God & I, are some great ones. but giving up some things right now seems like what I needto focus on God & so I can lead more people to Him. the commitments I made dont sound like me at all & you'll probably think I cant do it...it's going to be hard but what comes easily in this life?

ask me on aim & I could share my commitments..it's more of a personal thing so I dont want it plastered on the internet.

I love you all.

Nathan Moore

June 24 2005
welcome to phusebox!


June 24 2005
jamie. hey. remember meh? (elizabeth from dance works) well i just realized i still have a phusebox sn and decided to use it for a while. oh and i am offically going to Oakland now.


June 24 2005
yeah its a pic from about 3 weeks ago. and i look nothing like it now. (but i also edited it some...so...) yeah. you too have a great day!