
July 08 2005
ever gotten that feeling that the entire world is burning around you and there's nothing you can do about it?

yeah, that's when you should pray.

hallelujah, my computer is ALIVE!

July 03 2005
since i last updated, i have . . .

-read a 300 page history of versailles. there were some pretty crazy kings of france. incidentally, they were all named louis.

-read two agatha christie novels.

-not touched my summer reading assignment.

-worked at least three 9-hour days.

-been paid for watching the bosses' grandkids (aka playing in a pool for four hours).

-had a water balloon fight.

-watched a movie that reminded me of a girl . . . sad.

-stayed in the sun too long and turned indian/lobster red.

-taken my brother to see batman.

-actually used the telephone to talk to people.

-been kidnapped. maybe twice.

-shopped for engagement rings.

-received an application from emory. without asking for it. (i was excited)

-driven across town without wallet or license. on two seperate occasions. oops.

-come up with plots for 4 plays/movies.

-printed a million t-shirts. only slight exaggeration.

-been in starbucks . . . yeah, i lost count.

-not been asleep before midnight.

-fought and killed a bear. okay, so maybe it was in a dream, but it counts.

-shattered a mirror by simply looking into it. sorry, grace.

-cleaned a boat from bow to stern.

-driven home the long way just because.

-realized that 3 in the morning, is, in fact, my favorite time of day.

-and, of course, narrowly escaped death.

i'm sure you really didn't care to hear all that, but i've been offline for a week and needed to get all that out somewhere. hoorah for creative outlets.


June 25 2005
i'm entirely too responsible to really take advantage of my entire family being out of town all weekend.

i guess that's a good thing.


you know what i love?

techno on the river.


June 23 2005
not everyone you meet will always agree with you.

this does NOT mean:
-they are stupid.
-they are ignorant.
-they are wrong.
-you are right.
-they are going to hell.

God loves every liberal democrat JUST AS MUCH as every conservative republican, every socialist, every communist, every fascist, every baptist, every catholic, every presbyterian, every muslim, every jew, and everyone else.

God loved hitler as much as He loved mother teresa.

God loves osama bin laden as much as He loves billy graham.

that's because God IS love.

not to promote any kind of relativism here. there is right and there is wrong. there is a right Way and a whole lot of wrong ways. i don't think hitler and mother teresa ended up in the same place.

but that doesn't change the love while they were here. it doesn't change the love while you are here.

so my point is this: any time you meet someone with whom you do not see eye to eye on a given issue, it is not an excuse to shake your finger in their face and scream at them that they are wrong or that they are going to hell. be open-minded enough to try to see their point. you can try to understand where they are coming from . . . i promise you, it is allowed.

name-calling has never brought anyone into the Kingdom of God.

God is Judge. you are not.

God condemns. you should not.

you are here as an example. it is your job to serve. to forgive. to love.

be nice.

i love you.

okay . . .

June 22 2005
. . . so the day didn't turn out so bad.

but it still wasn't the best.

pretty sure one of the advertisements at the bottom of the page says "are you psychic?"

if i was psychic, wouldn't i know?

frankly, my dear . . .

June 22 2005
. . . today will probably suck.

*walks off into fog*

(but tomorrow will be another day.)

sinuses of doom

June 20 2005
i'm sick. very sick. it sucks.

bonus points to grace for bringing me soup and a storybook.

this one's for the girls . . .

June 19 2005
which is preferred: nice guy or bad boy?

a very important question

June 18 2005
which city is hotter: venice or paris?


June 17 2005
finally got some pictures on here. more to come.

hey victoria!

June 16 2005

photo from ben

i pose with way too many signs.


June 16 2005
bigstuf was amazing. more later.

bon voyage

June 10 2005
my supper? a cold piece of pizza, tortilla chips, cheese dip, and a large bowl of moosetracks ice cream.

yes, you guessed it: i'm home alone. again. i kinda like it.

you know i'm the coolest kid ever.

well tomorrow morning at 530 i'm off to bigstuf. perhaps i should begin to pack. aw, heck, who am i kidding?

i still have to go buy all the stuff.

so i might just go do that now . . .

if you aren't going to bigstuf, have fun here and remember to pray for the rest of us.

if you are going, i guess i will see you dark and early in the morning.

perhaps i'll find htc . . .

interesting . . .

June 10 2005

photo from ben

it's a PEEP SHOW!


yeah, sorry.

upon further review

June 09 2005
. . . i guess i was fairly dramatic in the last post, amy powers. i shall try to be more . . . objective . . . in future posts.


June 09 2005
well, tnsd went down well. food. aimee davis' amazing cake. icing war. creek. stones river. kid's castle. i'll try to get my pics up here, but i haven't had luck with that in the past, so go to anna or amy p's site to see some. good times.

and now i sit here drinking cold coffee. actually, more lukewarm that anything because my mother waited until after i made it to give me a list of things to do "right this second." don't you love parents?

so sitting here with mug of coffee in hand and my hair a tousled mess, i look to be quite the thinker. and i am in a rather thoughtful and deep mood. yet somehow i don't know what to say.

i'm at a loss.

maybe later.

it's here

June 08 2005



old fort park.

bring food.

be there.

almost . . .

June 07 2005
it's getting closer . . .

you know you wanna celebrate . . .

the hap- happiest season of all . . .

June 06 2005
it's that time of the year again, people . . .

yes, that's right:


. . . is this wednesday.

this year festivities, however, will NOT include cramming 20 people in my living room.

at this point, i'm thinking a picnic at old fort park at noon. eat, hang out, frisbee, kids kastle, etc. this would require everyone to bring a foodstuff. so if you can come, call me (890-7454) and tell me what you can bring so i can try to get a fairly rounded meal prepared.

happy holidays!