hallelujah, my computer is ALIVE!

July 03 2005
since i last updated, i have . . .

-read a 300 page history of versailles. there were some pretty crazy kings of france. incidentally, they were all named louis.

-read two agatha christie novels.

-not touched my summer reading assignment.

-worked at least three 9-hour days.

-been paid for watching the bosses' grandkids (aka playing in a pool for four hours).

-had a water balloon fight.

-watched a movie that reminded me of a girl . . . sad.

-stayed in the sun too long and turned indian/lobster red.

-taken my brother to see batman.

-actually used the telephone to talk to people.

-been kidnapped. maybe twice.

-shopped for engagement rings.

-received an application from emory. without asking for it. (i was excited)

-driven across town without wallet or license. on two seperate occasions. oops.

-come up with plots for 4 plays/movies.

-printed a million t-shirts. only slight exaggeration.

-been in starbucks . . . yeah, i lost count.

-not been asleep before midnight.

-fought and killed a bear. okay, so maybe it was in a dream, but it counts.

-shattered a mirror by simply looking into it. sorry, grace.

-cleaned a boat from bow to stern.

-driven home the long way just because.

-realized that 3 in the morning, is, in fact, my favorite time of day.

-and, of course, narrowly escaped death.

i'm sure you really didn't care to hear all that, but i've been offline for a week and needed to get all that out somewhere. hoorah for creative outlets.

Dana Yo

July 03 2005
well... aren't you just mister do body. Ok that made no since but just because your actually get out of the house and do stuff doesn't give you a right to show off to the people who sleep all day. I do things, I play tennis. I bet you didn't even know Wimbledon is over... huh?...huh?... hummm.... haha. .. I am dying!... I haven't been to starbucks in like more than a month!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!


July 03 2005
bys arent dumb, they just need a little boost :] heh


July 03 2005
lol haha...i enjoyed reading about ur week...great times rock


July 03 2005
Wow sounds like you've been having a great time!


July 03 2005
Oh, and you missed the entry I made where I asked everyone why you got 24 remarks per entry and then Nathan proceeded to leave me 24 remarks... lol...

cole brown

July 03 2005
just thought ide say HEEEY =D sounds like you have had quite the eventful week!


July 03 2005
hmmm, 3 in the morning is my favorite time of day, too. especially when you're playing truth or dare.

Sarah Vermillion

July 03 2005
Wow. Busy, busy.


July 03 2005
*laughs* We finally fixed it today. You and your stupid ugly face... *winks* I love youuu! [even if you did break my mirror]

Dana Yo

July 03 2005
wow, you'ves got alot of messages since my first one! Gosh Brian King your as popular as... um... as... like a... a king! yeah that's right!


July 03 2005
yea now that i saw your picture. i think ive seen you around to. maybe your locker was next to mine. maybe,


July 03 2005
yea i think so. sounds like youve been busy. yes. 3 in the morning is definetly the best time. and starbucks is amazing. =]

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 03 2005
hmmm...maybe I should stay off the internet for a week to see what I'd get done. Probably not a whole lot, aside from wondering and agonizing over what I'm missing. Wow, I just realized how pathetic that sentence was.

Dana Yo

July 03 2005
You don't have to tell me, I know I am! :)


July 03 2005
You so suck b/c you didn't come into work today... The whole pool/grandkids thing... You are making it sound way to fun...


July 03 2005


July 04 2005
brian king! i had fun talking with you last night! "it would be really awkward if he was my sister in law" haha


July 04 2005
definetly. its my favorite place. =]


July 04 2005
ha... sounds like you've had fun...

Kelly Sullivan

July 04 2005
...Shopping for an engagement ring??? You already have one!! [You know, the stolen one.... :P] I envy your adventures. Annnnd... I'll get you the address when I have it and a decent computer is working. Does this mean Jessica and I get letters??! Oh boy!!


July 04 2005
ooh lots of stuff.

cole brown

July 05 2005
well..you never talk to me either =/ how about this..if your at church tomorrow night we shall talk =D sound good?

cole brown

July 05 2005
hmm..i think so..i dont remember where its at though


July 05 2005
sighh... 07


July 05 2005
Oh, I'm a nerd to the max - it's a Harry Potter fan fiction about his parents Lily and James. Kind of stupid, but it's just a summer pastime.

Aaron Massey

July 05 2005
brian..... you are most definitely my hero... i'm going to get you another yellowcard cd as soon as i can... that is if you haven't gotten it already. see ya later bud.

kayla hale

July 06 2005
wow you have done alot...love you too...kayla!

Rachael Robertson

July 06 2005
praise for your computer

kelsey shearron

July 06 2005
hahaha...that sounds like you had a great couple of days...picking out engagement rings for the whole 56765234 fiances of yours..i guess you will have to become World Emperor if youre gunna buy that many rings huh?...heh..see you at church