June 23 2005
not everyone you meet will always agree with you.

this does NOT mean:
-they are stupid.
-they are ignorant.
-they are wrong.
-you are right.
-they are going to hell.

God loves every liberal democrat JUST AS MUCH as every conservative republican, every socialist, every communist, every fascist, every baptist, every catholic, every presbyterian, every muslim, every jew, and everyone else.

God loved hitler as much as He loved mother teresa.

God loves osama bin laden as much as He loves billy graham.

that's because God IS love.

not to promote any kind of relativism here. there is right and there is wrong. there is a right Way and a whole lot of wrong ways. i don't think hitler and mother teresa ended up in the same place.

but that doesn't change the love while they were here. it doesn't change the love while you are here.

so my point is this: any time you meet someone with whom you do not see eye to eye on a given issue, it is not an excuse to shake your finger in their face and scream at them that they are wrong or that they are going to hell. be open-minded enough to try to see their point. you can try to understand where they are coming from . . . i promise you, it is allowed.

name-calling has never brought anyone into the Kingdom of God.

God is Judge. you are not.

God condemns. you should not.

you are here as an example. it is your job to serve. to forgive. to love.

be nice.

i love you.


June 23 2005
Whoa... quite a tangent. It's very true though.

Jane Woodard

June 23 2005
hey you're right. so if i don't agree with the fact that you need whales, am i stupid? ;)


June 23 2005
awesome word

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

June 23 2005
So here is that post of doom. Actually, it holds a lot of truth. Well, it is all thruth. God is Love. That's definately one thing that keeps me going. Interesting thing, that we who serve our Loving God can sometimes love less and judge more than someone who is lost. Interesting thing, indeed. We should go do something. Give me a call.


June 23 2005
Ah, you are very, very right, Raoul.


June 23 2005
good job. someone had to say it


June 23 2005
aww we love you too!

Jessica Goss

June 23 2005
Right On! Wow, I haven't said that since the sixth grade! lol.

Bethany Bratcher

June 23 2005
totally agree with you, Brian

Sarah Vermillion

June 23 2005
That's an excellent post. ^_^ And yes, my computer is named Sebastian.

Cara Hawkins

June 24 2005


June 24 2005
Good word man, Right on


June 24 2005
thats true...good post

kelsey shearron

June 24 2005
thats awesome...


June 24 2005
Very well put...


June 24 2005
whats up with your obsession with Whales?...Pirates are better


June 24 2005
you have a very good point there and that's prolly something that needed to be said.had an awesome time with you today.i love ya man!! Leah


June 24 2005
you have a point. thank you for reminding me.


June 24 2005
how? i want to change my attitude. i want people who don't even know me, see something about me; some type of glow. you know, kind of like christ. having an attitude like him, being different from the average person.

elizabeth duncan

June 24 2005
copy and paste....


June 25 2005
i like that. i really do. i'm not christian but i agree w/ that. good job, really.

Jessica Goss

June 25 2005
Brian, I think you're the most popular Phuseboxer.


June 28 2005
ah... i LOVE this entry... that is so true! As christians, we need to show our love. Yes, we do need to witness, but we don't need to have a bad attitude toward those out there that don't know God like they should. Much props... ;)