break a leg

February 10 2006

i feel like breaking someone's leg.

play tomorrow night.

pray, lol.

Beth Farrar

February 10 2006
why do u want to break someone's leg? that's really weird. lol.

Sara Shaban

February 10 2006
its gonna be great and you know it. otherwise I wont come.


February 10 2006
You already broke Lauren's. But she deserved it.


February 10 2006
Right... Well if you care I am going to see "The Boyfriend" tonight to get 20 extra credit points!

Elaine Stephens

February 10 2006
lol. yeah, that was the pessimistic side of me that always tends to come out. hope the play goes well, wish i could come & see it, but i'm completely broke :( otherwise i really would come take care! (and don't break anyone's leg)


February 10 2006
i'm gonna break something... or someone... pray hard. really hard. and lots. we are going to lose... but maybe not... if we get a miracle...


February 11 2006
if its free.. and if i knew what time it was.. i'd go.. but then.. you might get distracted by how much you hate me.. and do bad, and we just wouldn't want that =p


February 11 2006
i'm sure you'll do great. i'm excited to see it.

Carrie McComas

February 11 2006
I get it...because you're in a play and it's good luck to break a leg....right...Which play? Is it good? who are you in it? Details!

Sarah Bowers

February 12 2006
Hm..... breaking a leg is not on my top priorities list, but how are you doing? I've haven't talked to ya lately (school). ttyl Sarah~


February 13 2006
of course theres phusebox. the bastards havent found it yet. i may actually be updating this a lot now? and guess what. im going to disney in 3 days. hows the weather in the south, reb?

kaitlin gay

February 13 2006
it was wonderful =)


February 13 2006
breaking your leg=hours of pain