Why is God always worthy to be praised?

September 20 2006

I hope you guys take the time to read this, I put a lot of time into
it ;)
And who knows, I might just minister to you ;)

God is always worth of our

Now I know that we frequent
this statement in our Christian faith, but for some reason, as I came
across it tonight in Psalm 96:4, I was really compelled to find out,
“what exactly does that mean?”

Why should I give God
praise? What is it exactly that makes him always worthy of praise?

    Before one can delve into
this debate, one must first go to the source of things that we see as
worthy of praise in the first place, or in other words, things one
would declare “good.” Well, acknowledging the numerous scientific
discoveries that have nullified the possiblity of evolution, and
therefore accepting the only other alternative to existence, a Divine
Creator, we can almost instantly discover this source. For if there
was a divine creator that spoke all humanity into existence, more
specifically, a Creator that made us in His image, then every bit of
our natural understanding of what is “good,” comes from Him,
which in turn would mean that He, this Creator, is in fact our source
or standard
of good ( or things worthy of praise ).

    So, with that stated, one
can see that things we see as “worthy of praise,” ( qualified for
verbal or physical actions of thanks )such as goodness, kindness,
love, sacrifice, purity, and the like, are all really just
reflections of the ultimate source of all things good: God. From here
it doesn't take much to understand why God is always worthy of
praise, because with the assumption that humanity's natural knowledge
of “the good” or “what is worthy to be praised” was placed
within us by God Himself, then everything that we see as “worthy of
praise” is thus declared so because it is the God given intuition
within us that leads us to such a conclusion. All of this ultimately
explains the statement “God is always worthy of praise,” because
well, if God is good, and if we have ingrained into us a natural
intuition to praise things reflective of His goodness, then obviously
God is “always worthy of praise,” because God is always good.

The Capn

September 21 2006
i like that answer... good question, good answer... you're a cool guy