What Happened? - The Details

December 30 2005
So, for those of you that are interested in the details of PhuseBox going offline for so long... here it is...

December 17th was the day the skies went black... okay, so it was not that dramatic, but it was bad. I got onto the internet and made my usual sweep over all the sites I check frequently... only, this time it was different. This time, instead of the PhuseBox homepage, I was greeted with a nice message from my hosting company that informed me that my account had been suspended. Suspended? I did not do anything. And to add to the problem, this message (which I am sure many of you saw) also said that information was sent to my email about the reason my account was suspended and how to get it back)...

*Nathan checks email* NOTHING. At that point a grabbed a paper bag to help with my breathing. I tried to contact my hosting company to figure out why this had happened. And to make a long story short, they tell me that my account was suspended for taking 40% of the server load. Hmmm... and they shut down my site without any notice whatsoever? This has got to be the best hosting company of all time!

IPOWER or IPOWERWEB (I don't know why they go by two names...) They are the hosting company that I was with. They are the ones that shut down PhuseBox and did not give me access to the databases or files. So even when I finally purchased a brand new server for another company, I was not even able to tranfer the database and photos over. They did not play nice with me, expecially after I told them that I needed my files and database because I was going to another server company.

 Now, I must say, when I started PhuseBox last June, I did not expect it to get this big. I started out on what is called a shared server. That means that my site and all my files were on a server with anywhere from 10-30 other websites. These hosting plans are dirt cheap... I think I paid $99 for the year. Once PhuseBox really started to grow, I knew that I needed to get my own server... not to mention, I wanted to do some things that a shared server host would not allow.

And thus, with PhuseBox going down on December 17th, I was forced to purchase a brand new server from ServerBeach (great company... I have been pleased so far). Now I can control anything I need and I will not get shut down because my site is too big.

After many phone calls and emails to iPower (my old host), I was able to convince them to give me access to my files and my database. Here lied the next problem... transfering 50,000+ image files to a new server. It was not a small task, and it is actually still happening as I type.

I also have to set up a few other things on the server before everything will function perfectly again (that is why image uploading is disabled currently)...

All in all, I call this my 12-day-headache caused by iPower... but PhuseBox is back... and should be faster and has MUCH room for growth. And now, I can add more features since I have more freedom on the server.

The moral of this story is do not use iPower hosting... or any other shared hosting company when your website gets to large... that and find a fiance that is loving and understanding when you have to work on getting websites to work...

Brandon Ray

December 30 2005
Sounds like me last week! At least I finally got my PHP to work!

Brandon Ray

December 30 2005
oh, and with another story, I told my client to buy a domain with domainstld.com for $7.95 a year, and they went to godaddy for $80.00. Plus, they bought ASP instead of PHP which really doesn't work if they want some of my added features. So I have to link PHP stuff off of my site.


December 30 2005
well I'm just glad it's working again. I was pretty upset and I checked to see if it was back up every single day! oh yeah, I was in the parade. I was dancing and I saw you and Rachel. I was going to wave but I didnt think you would recognize me. but just wanted you to know that. it was quite cool. anyways, glad it's all good again.

Henri Laswell

December 30 2005
we're just lucky that you care enough to put in the effort to restore phusebox. so thank YOU.

Sarah Vermillion

December 30 2005
Hope your Christmas wasn't completely ruined because of all this junk.

Chris Slate,

December 30 2005
that comment made me smile... tehe... nathan... uv definately outdone the creation of personal websites... thanks a lot... like for real... i love my site... and obviously... ur to thank for it... you even showed me alot of HTML so that i could make mine just a tid bit cooler and unique.... so thanks a lot man... happy new year!!!


December 30 2005
yay phusebox!!!!!!


December 30 2005
If you don't make my profile picture come back I won't come to your visit you tomorrow. *sad eyes* Well, I will, but at least I tried threatening...

Ben Moser

December 30 2005
you know your a mac geek when you recognize garageband loops on tv shows subconsciously. hehe that happened to me.

Nathan Moore

December 31 2005
haha, ben, I know the feeling...


December 31 2005
My only problem with it is its hard to get videos on it unless you get them from the website, and the batter life is really bad. Happy New Year!!!


December 31 2005
hey, how did you bring in the new year?

Asia Keovorabouth

January 01 2006
only twelve remarks?<br> no one is happy that you did such a great thing.<br> basically. not many people have thanked you<br> i like phusebox. it's nifty.<br> pretty cute.<br> ANDFREAKINGOODJOB.