hah, i pwned you.

June 15 2006

give my ego a pet there, will you? (i was going to say 'stroke', but then i was like... my friends... oh shizzzt.) i = lack of proper grammer/capitalization. i've been reduced to that luffable gloaty bit of claire that no one should ever have to see. <3333333

BECAUSE: i entered my newest bit of poetry into a contest, and i am quite pleased with it.

i will show it to you, and although you probably won't get the impact i've been crushed under (or maybe you will, i dunno), you might be like: 'claire - wtf biznatch?' in which case i will forgive you and go on with my gloatiness. (yes, i like to make up words. stfu.)

wow, stfu is funny to say as a word... 8)

okay, here goes:

'political machine' 

tick. tock.
the melodrama of a
bro / ken nation.

tick. tock.
the desperate attempt
to find fate -

between layers of

anything with a particular
insubstantial quality,

partial and docile
to the words that spew
from the mouth of a


yes, yes, i know: 'but claire! what?'

oh vell. you must figure out why it makes me so giddyhappygloaty on you own. yes, i know: 'claire, you have a big ego sometimes.'

well, duh. ^_^

/well my inarticulate store-bought hangover hobby kit, it talks. and it says, 'you, oh, you are so cool.'/ - make damn sure // tbs