some people just plain stink

November 15 2005

title describes my day.. hah

some people will NEVER grow up..

"Pile your troubles on GOD's shoulders--
He'll carry your load,
He'll help you out.
He'll never let good people topple into ruin."
--Psalm 55:22 (The Message)

"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
--Romans 12:2 (The Message)

good thing i always have a friend in Jesus..
i dont know what in the world id do without him..

"once you have a great relationship with God.. everything else will just fall into place" --heather (my sunday school teacher)


i freakin LOVE this girl.. she's so amazing...

Michelle Waddell

November 15 2005
laguna beach is gonnnnna suck! = ( last night was so sad hah.. this thing is so nifty i <3 it way better than xanga, love ya gal <333

Chris Slate,

November 15 2005
elizabeth... i barely know u... but im glad i know u at all... if u ever need anything... even at 3 inthe morning on a sunday night... just call me... im always here for you... i love you elizbeth... ill talk to you later....

Michelle Waddell

November 19 2005
ahh! i hope you had fun @ your pagent today! <333

the coolest person you will ever mee

November 23 2005
ha ha well thanks for letting me use it!!! it is jsut so cute adn funny!!! <><Liz

courtney kelley

November 24 2005


November 24 2005
take any you want dear<3 We will definately have to hang out again. I think us girls need to go have another lunch date...maybe during Christmas break or something?...could be fun!<3

&#9829;Chandelle Nicole

November 27 2005
*Elizabeth! Hey there you. I haven't talked 2 you in a good while. Just thought I would come see how you were doing. I'm doing pretty good 4 the most part. But anyways... I hope your Thanksgiving was GREAT! I love you girl! God Bless, *+*Chandelle Nicole*+*

Chelsey Montgomery

November 28 2005
awwwe im on your profile picture =) that was so much fun. we HAVE TO do it more often. have a great day sweetie!! hey do you go to campus life?? <3


November 30 2005
aahh miss you since i dont go to your church, but maybe ill go one more time idk