brigette adkins
Relationship Status
Favorite Music
I can jam to anything :D
Favorite Movies
any and all Disney Movies. ;)
Favorite Books
sleezy, smut books. (:
spring cleaning?
April 11 2006
well yesterday i spent the day at home because i slept in early, but i also helped my grandma move around the furniture because we are remodling like half the house... so yeah and she's like 78 and still kickin so i don't want her to hurt herself. :| so i stayed home (:
i wanted to drive up to Memphis to see my cousin. she is really deathly sick because is in in the hospital with a ruptured appendix which is really scarey. ):
i got my prom jewelry. its pretty :D i would show you a picture but you would call me hickey because i got them all over my neck :p i like 'em. i don't understand why people don't. i feel they are a sign of affection and love. and... i like when i get them too. >:} mwuahahahahaha.
anyways im off to eat home made tacos!!!! isn't life great? (: