Spades, Sparrows and the Big 1-8..

February 06 2006

So today... (the 5th since it is passed midnight) is my 18th birthday and Superbowl Sunday! I had some good fun. Sam threw me a party and spent alot of money on food for me. It was a really party. About 10 people were there and two gave me cards with money (thanks meggie and b reb :D) and Sam's mom and her boyfriend got me a card. It was really sweet and I really appreciated it..

ive been really upset for the last couple of days and today was just what i needed to be with friends and have a day of relaxtion. ive had a lot of stress and i just need a break. my car has been messing up and my best friend probably wont ever talk to me again and i don't have a phone so that if my car stalls on me i cant get in touch with anyone easily without walking miles... ): and im just scared and worried.. that and my mom cant get me a birthday gift or wont...

but i hope that everything will work out for me. on tuesday, i'm going to set up my own banking account and get what i want without the signature of my mom! :) I filed my income tax return papers etc.. and so in about 4 weeks i will get a nice check in the mail and i'll be able to get my phone if i can. :)

i'm really in love with sam. he is so great to me and he cares for me so much. i know people might think it is too soon for two people to just love each other so much but we have such a connection. i eventually want to move out and if i did and if we are still together which im sure we will, i would like to share one with him. it would be easier for our relationship and we would be able to see each other more. (: i would like that. i love him bunches and we've been together a long time. *** 9 mnths on the 18th!! ***

anyways.. im super tired and im gonna hit the hay sack. sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite. :D

Sam Murphy

February 06 2006
aww i wanna move in with u too :) i love u so much and im glad u had fun at da party :D