junior year...

September 06 2006
ok so this year im trying this new thing out...it's called trying to go the whole year without DRAMA...but you kno it's high school and that is impossible. im not quite sure what's going on yet but i can feel some drama brewing...err..it's stupid...

[LJ] ♥

September 07 2006
hahaha iloveyou.<3


October 05 2006
u kno what, it's not important.... he, he, this fall break rocks!!!!


August 24 2007
heyy so i just got a shiny new laptop with all the goodies like a webcam (will ben be doin peepshows soon?? lol) bluetooth dvd burner and a whole more junk... anyways i decided im gonna use phusebox to avoid awkwardness... so if u wanna leave a message mite wanna do it here... lol