Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

my heart lies in yaijang.

June 16 2005
i love it when God destroys my plans for my life. so. i couldn't sleep. so i thought i'd log onto the internet. funny how God can even use insomnia for his will. i am going to be a missionary. there's no turning back now. even if i wanted to back out i couldn't. my life lies in somalia. or so i think. j/k. but i was on the "joshua project" website, and i just happened to run across the Digil-Rahawiin people of somalia, a completely unreached group of people. heard about them at Big Stuf. i felt so called. so then i started looking around the site some more...and through an accident with my mouse, "stumbled" across the Zhaba people of China. do you ever get those weird gut feelings about things? or that fluttery thing your heart does when God's telling you to do something? that's what happened when i looked at that picture. reading about other extremist people groups scared me. but this one didn't. i can't think of anything i'd rather do with my life than go to China and minister to these people. it'll require some prayer on my part and the part of others. pray for me. pray that i can be truly changed and no longer fight for stupid reasons. pray that i can be respectful. pray that i can rid my life of the cumbersome burdens that hold me down. pray that God will reveal to me his direction for my life. pray that i will not be distracted by the petty things of the world. pray that i will be able to accept sacrifice on my part. but most of all, pray against the satanic attacks that are inevitable now. i never thought that a camp in panama city could change my life. i was wrong.

Rachael Moore

June 17 2005
wow cari. that is awesome. you will be in my prayers!


June 17 2005
Cari, you are amazing! I can't wait to see how God is going to use you!


June 17 2005
wow that's so deep and... cool. i like you already. and i'll pray for you too, man. *}


June 18 2005
cari your so cool and awesome and.... lol love you

stu boyCe

June 19 2005
tag, you're it


June 19 2005
Hmm I love Cucumbers