Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

snap yo fanguhs...

July 19 2006

so tonight's restaurant raid was at La Siesta, best mexican restaurant in the world. muy divertido.

church was cool. tonight was NY/NJ share night, and God obviously blessed their trip. it's great to hear that i have so many new brothers and sisters in Christ!

so anyways, i got to thinking, as we were in worship, how good we've got it here in America. no one's bombing us. no one's telling us we can't worship our God in whatever way we want to. whereas people in Lebanon and Israel are currently fighting just to stay alive, much less enjoy life. and we seem to take it so much for granted. as if we had all the time in the world.

anyways, just a thought. life is great right now. i love my friends, but most of all, i love my God. He always seems to know just what i need to hear, exactly when i need it. lately i've been really confused about what i want to do with my life, and i waver back and forth between wanting to be a doctor, and wanting to be a missionary. i don't really feel that i could be both. i think about being at that point in life, and looking back at my choice, and i just don't see me ever regretting becoming a missionary, whereas i can see myself regretting not doing it. but who knows. i feel like jeremiah when he said that the word of the Lord was like  "a fire in his bones" that he was weary of shutting in. cool stuff. neways, i think i'm officially smitten. but i don't know that the feeling's mutual. i sure hope so. but i don't know that he'll ever know about it, unless he asks me. who knows? well, i'm really tired, so i'm gonna go hit the hay. nite nite g-units. ----Cari  


July 19 2006
i miss you cari. your an awesome girl.


July 19 2006
They are a lot of medical missionaries who are doctors who minister to people in other counries. That may not necessarily be your calling, but I thought I would throw that out there.


July 20 2006
What Amy says is true, and there are a few interesting books written by medical missionaries. I can't think of the titles offhand, but I'll try to remember and tell you. Also if you want a really good book about missions, a missionary "must-read" according to my mom's friend who was a missionary in Afghanistan is "Eternity in Their Hearts" by Don Richardson.