Cari Jennings


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Oakland High School

yeah...i don't like the news...

June 15 2006

ok. so. yet another thought for the day:

all Baptists are not bigots. it really stirs my apples that the only baptists that you see in the news and such are the ones who picket funerals with signs that say things like "God Hates Fags" or "Thank God for 9/11" and other stupid garbage like it. first of all, they are not even real Christians, because none of that is true about God, and secondly, they are a very small sect, not the majority. anyways, any thoughts? i hope you guys don't see me that way, and i want all of you to know, that despite anything you say or do, i don't hate any of you. i may not agree, but it's not like i'm gonna hold that against you. and i'd appreciate it if that same courtesy were shown to me. it seems to me that the so-called "open-minded" are open-minded to everything but Christianity and/or conservative beliefs. so, if you're gonna be so open-minded, make sure you're open-minded to everyone...much love to you all ----Cari

Sarah Vermillion

June 15 2006
Do those "God Hates Fags" people claim to be Baptists? I always thought they were just pure concentrated evil that managed to seep up from the bowels of the earth and gradually learned to mimic human behavior.


June 16 2006
amen. you have amazing thoughts & i enjoy reading them.


June 16 2006
Open-mided-ness does seems to be biased. Too bad more of the world doesn't think like you do.