Apparently I Can Neither Have My Cake Nor Eat It!

September 04 2007

So... last Thursday in Single Cam each group was instructed to come up with an idea for our first video project, which is supposed to be a "how to" video.


My group came up with a pretty decent idea ("How to be a Gentleman on the First Date"). We had some good ideas for how we were going to present it.


But then Michael Johnson told the producer of each group to hold up their paper with the group's idea.


Then pass it to the right.


And then do it again.


Now the paper we were holding was the topic we were going to have to do.


Don't even ask what my group got... I'll tell you about it eventually...

Cant wait to see her..!!

September 04 2007
sounds exciting!!!


September 04 2007
that kinda stinks. i cant wait to hear what ya'll got

Rachael Moore

September 04 2007
that does indeed kinda stink. hmm. well i hope that you lucked out and got something awesome... either way i am sure you guys will do great!