What Blows My Mind...

March 26 2007
-The fact that friends that are two years younger than me are still in high school, and that other friends that are two (or even less) years older than me (or heck, maybe even younger than me) are married. Just an observation I made while on Facebook...
-And Disney World. I've never been there (I'm not lying, and you should take me!) but we watched a video about its inner-workings in one of my classes and it made me want to go so much more badly! I don't think I even realized that it consisted of four seperate theme parks. And all that it entails... wow... it just blows my mind... I want to go!

P.S. I think my second minor is going to be in marketing... The fact that I suddenly have an interest in it also blows my mind...


March 26 2007
i think i'm going to major in marketing. disney world is cool. i've never been. but the part about how it has basically a whole city underground is crazy.

Laura Polis

March 26 2007
um. . .let me correct patrick on this "whole city underground" WRONG!!! it's a nasty nasty utildor system that's smelly like the fan outside the JUB with some offices and locker rooms. yea, it's boring, definitely not a city and i'll take you to disney world. . .or when i go back, you drag anna out of this God-forsaken place and come visit!


March 27 2007
that would be awesome

Laura Polis

March 29 2007
while i would LOVE to go to Disney this summer, i'll be working in Mass. all summer long :( <p> fall break? <p> and i know i'm prolly going for christmas. :)