Pretty Sure...

March 20 2007
-I heard a Christmas song on the radio yesterday.
-There might be a film major at MTSU soon.
-I have NO idea what to take next semester other than Single Camera Directing and Producing (which should be good - woot!).
-I have no idea what to with the two million electives I am forced to take because my major requires so little (since, mind you, these potential film classes probably won't count, since that would make too much sense).
-I have to file my upper-division form this semester... and as you can tell from the previous points, (minus the thing about the Christmas song) I'm unsure of what to do besides minor in psychology...

Uh... help?

Ben Moser

March 20 2007
minor in theatre. i think i'm going to add that. its fun. what do you think God is calling you to do?


March 22 2007
dont worry amy, i'm in the same boat. i'm not forsure what to do either, but there's so many things that i could lean towards. you know?

Laura Polis

March 23 2007
Intro to recreation is an interesting class you could use as an elective :)