Pink Eye and Glasses and Things Like Astronomy

November 27 2006
I'm so tired of wearing glasses. They were cute for a few days, and now they're annoying. I am supposedly recovering from a supposed pink eye problem that I don't think really existed. My eye was rarely pink... actually it was never really pink... more like red... like when I have allergies... but my eyelid has been swollen a little for a week straight now. So why would my eyelid be swollen for a week straight after a week straight of medicated eye drops? I'm not sure. Does anyone have a theory?

So school is winding down and I'm feeling it. I'm getting ready for a history test this Thursday and an astronomy project this Friday, not to mention the three papers due next week, my EMC project (which I mentioned yesterday) and an astronomy test. I hate astronomy. But, the good news is that my group project counts for 20% of my grade. And I think that'll be good because I can moderately understand what I'm supposed to be talking about. It's a really difficult concept, but I have a lot of good information on it... so I think I'm good to go.

Oh yes, and GREAT NEWS! I got into TV Production today!!! YAY!
After waiting for the stupid permission of department to go through it finally did! So I am happy about that, and now I do have a schedule worth posting:

(Honors) Psychology of Abnormal Behavior TR 9:40-11:05
Honors Interdiscplinary Seminar (Creativity & Exploration) MW 12:40-2:05
Adolsecent Psychology MWF 10:20 - 11:15
Television Production TR 11:20 - 12:45, R lab 1:00 - 2:25


November 27 2006
i hope your pink eye gets better. i hate how you have to get permission from the college to take a class or even to register for classes. cause i already know what i wanna take. oh well. hope you have a great day tomorow

Jennifer Hood

November 27 2006
who do you have for your psych classes? - just curious

Jimmy Dillon

November 27 2006
If it's not pink eye, then it sounds like conjuctivitis. You wear contacts right? And chances are you probably don't change them and disinfect them like you should. Did you have any other symptoms like sensitivity to light, watery eyes, or itchiness?

Ben Moser

November 28 2006
i have another theory than adam, however im pretty sure its not what you have. one time i was camping with boy scouts and some other scouts threw leaves and logs with poison ivy on them. the smoke from the fire got into my eyes and they were very swollen for about 4 or 5 days and really itchy. so on the off chance you celebrated thanksgiving herding cattle on the prairie and cooking the turkey over an open fire, it might be from poison ivy-fied smoke.

Jennifer Hood

November 28 2006
Dunn must be relatively new - don't know that one. pennington is good - a litle quirky sometimes, but pretty easy to talk to. i think psych would be a great minor! - but of course, I'm a litte biased =)

Trena Doyle

November 29 2006
Yeah glasses can really suck sometimes!