Christians' Influence in the Arts

December 04 2005
So I'm doing research for an essay I have to write for my final grade in my Understanding Mass Media class, and I ran across this great entry dated December 13, 2004. It is apparent that the blogger is a Christian and he said some cool things that made me happy. He was talking about our fascination with entertainment.

First off, I liked this: "I have often thought that the real you (or me!) is the 'you' that exists in your
daydreams.  The things that dominate your daydreams tell the real story of what
you value and desire the most.  Similarly, it seems to me that the real values
of a people, nation or culture, could be defined by wha they do in their
leisure. "

Then his conclusion was good as well: "Christians need to be involved in the arts and entertainment spheres, and not
just in alternative Christian arts and entertainments.  My impression is that,
for too long, evangelicals have believed that serious Christians would devote
their lives to witnessing, studying the bible and doing church work. "Serious
Christians" wouldn't waste their time with all of that artsy-fartsy stuff. Yet, we still want to influence the world. Napoleon understood something we
haven't - if you want to influence the world, influence the arts."

That has been the desire of my heart for so long...

And when I was listening to the sermon this morning I was just thinking... how often do I really talk to those around me about Jesus?

While I am studying how to be an influence in the arts through production and writing, I still have a responsibilty to reach out to non-Christians in my daily life.

Send us with fire to go love the world...


December 05 2005
that's pretty cool. =) I agree.

Carrie McComas

January 01 2006
I agree about the entertainment thing. That's very "emergent church." You should check out "Practitioners." It's a book on this sort of thing and it might help with your project.