Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Uno, dos, tres, catorce!

April 24 2007

One, two, three, FOURTEEN!! That's probably the most random way to count off a song. But man I love that song.

I hate the first few spring rains. They have a really bad habit of driving my allergies and sinuses up the wall, and always at the worst of times. Like this weekend...

Yes it's alomst Fine Arts, and man I can't wait for it to be over. At least until nationals, then I'm okay with working my butt of some more.

I finished Spindles End, now I have Rose Daughter. Yay!

beth cooper

April 24 2007
im tellin you, youve gotta read deerskin if you havnt already. and then theres beauty which is a take off of beauty and the beast.

Rebecca Jensen

April 25 2007
You're gonna do GREAT!!!!!!!!! Be ready to blow my socks off on Friday :-D We're almost done... here's the sprint :-)