Quotes about my day!

March 14 2006

today sucked...

At times i get the feeling that NO ONE cares, but other times
i feel like i’m sitting on top of the world, it all comes
down to your friends & in the end, i find you REALLY do need a
best friend & for those times, i’m grateful that there’s

I smile because I have to, not because I want to, I laugh because I’m told to, not because I want to, I frown because I want to cry but try to keep it all inside, I wish I could just let it out but I can’t, that’s not what I’m all about. My feelings never show anymore because I don’t want them to. Every smile is a lie, every laugh is fake, all because I’m crying inside & don’t want my tears to show

The girl who seemed unbreakable...broke. The girl who seemed so strong...crumbled. The girl who always laughed it up...cried. The girl who would never stop trying...finally quit

I used to be a strong girl, a lot has changed, a lot has happened and I've had to deal with so much more than any person should ever have to go through and you know something? I finally broke, everything around me crashed and I fell right with it and I'm not that strong anymore, I can't handle this anymore

today sucked...and that's about it.

Sam Murphy

March 15 2006
Aww :( thats it im hooking you up with boy Ben. Brigette probably told u about him so ill see wat Big Daddy aka me can do for u ok. i love you like a sister and hate to see you hurt so remember i got ur back ok ma. holla at cha boy ~1~

brigette adkins

March 15 2006
ben's a cutie :D