A not nice thing that I have done

November 08 2005

I feel like a complete jerk guys. I was supposed to pay Seth $10.15 on monday for water bill. He had a sign up for like a week and a half on the kitchen table and I didn't even bother to pay him. I have completely failed at my job of being an honest, hardworking friend. I have a photo of me juming in the air that looks like this:

Except right now, it's strange, I don't feel like jumping in a field of flowers. I feel much rather like this photo here:

This is a picture taken of me when I was sad, like right now. I am so sad that I have not given Seth the money that he deserves. He's so good looking too. It's too bad I don't hook him up with all of my girlfriends. You all should go to his page  and give him the sypathy that i do not feel yet.

Oh well.... At least I can talk about it here on phusebox, openly without too many convictions. I know Christ forgives me, but I hope that Seth can too forgive me.

i'm crying little raindrops.

i like emo music a alot.