Josh, being outside, reading
Favorite Music
just about anything
Favorite Movies
sleeples in seattle, toy story, without limits, willy wonka, nottinghill
Favorite Books
The aWake Project, Let the Nations be Glad, Let me Be A Woman, and the BIble rocks too:)
Other Websites
Home to TN :)
November 22 2005
So I can't wait b/c Josh and I are coming home in the morning. YAHHH!!!! I love Thanksgiving more than any day of the whole year. Its just time to sit, eat, and enjoy being with family. We have to do the whole splitting time between the families this year though, which is totally a new thing, but it will be good and I'm definately excited about spending the holidays together this year. We will be in the boro on sat/sun and so we will be at Belle Aire on Sunday morning - Can't wait to see you all.
The job is going well. Just still hating the working nights part of it. Its 0221 and my body says - GO TO BED - but my job says - STAY AWAKE!!! Its making havoc of my body. My days are all thrown off and I seem to always be exhausted. I was up for 38 hours the other day - I was fianlly in zombee mode. It was no fun at all. I had my first experience with the death of a child recently. One of our kids that I had taken care of many, many times on my orientation and whom I had grown attached to passed away last week. He had a long fight with cancer and lost here on earth, but I know that he is wtih Jesus now, free from his pain. Its still sad though and it was so hard to watch him die. He was so scared, as we all are to some degree. He told us one night that he didnt want to die b/c he didnt know anyone in Heaven and thought he wouldnt have any friends. (we soon reminded him of two of our other kids that passed awwy that he had grown to know during his stay at the hospital.). So that brings me to the point that God has been teaching me about why He has me at this job. Many of the people that I work with are bitter toward the Lord b/c they see so many chldren here suffer and in pain and eventually loose their battle. None of these chldren deserve it, but in the human minds, they can't understand why God woudl put kids through this either. Sometimes I dont understand it. Its kept me up a few nights just thinking why this happens to kids - but them I'm quickly remineded that God is soverign and His character is unchanging. He knows better then we do His big picture. I'm learning not to question that but to just know that that He is God. So I know that He has me at this job to share that message with others and to share joy as well.
Anyway, thats enough of all that. Things in Raleigh are great - we will see you all on Sunday I hope:)