
June 07 2006
So I was going to watch a movie with my dad tonight. I borrowed a movie and came home because he said he wanted to watch something with me.... well I got here and he has already gone to bed so I am supposing that that means that we will not be watching a movie tonight... ::sighs::

Other thoughts ::beware of ramblings::
          I am beginning to think that if I gave away some of the things that I feel responsible for that maybe it would actually be easier on everyone else... that sounds strange... but right now I don't have time to do all of the things that need to be done... so I don't ever get "caught up," this causes me to stress and also to constantly ask favors of everyone else... I have learned to ask for help but only when there is absolutely no way that I can do it myself... If I turned some things over to others, then 1. I wouldn't be so stressed (which would make others happier to be around me or at least it more tolarable) 2. Things might actually get done besides what absolutely HAS to be done RIGHT NOW (which would make dad hapier and everyone else not feeling so guilty). 3. I wouldn't constantly be asking others to do things for me and they would be able to say 'look at all that I have to do' in that brag/complain manner that I wouold willingly pawn off. 4. I would be able to have a more clearly defined list of things I need to do so tha maybe I could be more efficent. 5. It would set things up so that thigs will run more smoothly even when I am not here. 6. I would be able to get things done that others need me to do for them.  hmmmm....

beth cooper

June 07 2006
maybe youll get to watch the movie with your dad tomorrow. ( :

Bill Morgan

June 07 2006
You will find in due course that sometimes "doing less" is actually "doing more". Sounds like you are on the right track

Jeana Lewis

June 08 2006
Ahhh... the art of delegation.