
February 13 2006
    I said I was going to stop this rediculous getting no sleep act.... I'm in the middle of one report and have another to go before I can go to sleep.... the next one I haven't even read the material yet. It's art though so my writing process goes like this... :free-write, take out any uncommon words or any that are complicated or look like someone might think it's a big word, redo any complex sentence structures, spell check and I'm done... the one I'm on now though is :-P... some of you know the book I had to read for it... yea... I'm tired again... wonder why... haha being an insomniac wasn't so bad when I didn't get tired at all, now it's just not cool at all....

Chris Jensen

February 13 2006
oh quit complaining. I haven't complained yet (well exceptt about your writing, and stupid females, but that's not the point...)

Meagan McCann

February 13 2006
shut up chris! i love you rebecca!!!! anyways.. did you get it done?? meag

Jessica Jo

February 13 2006
Well I hope life slows down for a bit so you can actually get decent sleep. I hope you have a good day. I'll talk to you soon. ~Jess